NERD RAGE! X-Men: First Class


Feb 9, 2009

X-Men: First Class promo pic?!

Okay.. I'm a hardcore old-school X-Men fan, and by old-school, I mean anything before 2000. Because when the X-Men movies came out, Marvel seriously lost it's shit. To recap, in the last 11 years, they:

killed Banshee
depowered a crap ton of mutants
depowered Jubillee (and crucified her on the lawn)
killed Nightcrawler
gave Wolverine a son
gave Wolverine a clone
married Storm to The Black Panther (!?!?!?)
had Cyclops cheat on Jean Grey
killed Jean Grey (again)
reincarnated Jean Grey
killed Skin

and perhaps worst of all.. made Beast into a giant cat.


Now, I'm looking at the cast for X-Men: First Class, and all I can think is that they must have gathered the most popular characters they could think of, and threw them in there for kicks. No Cyclops, no Marvel Girl, no Angel. I can't tell who half the people in that picture are, but I can tell you this:

Marvel has lost it's shit. Agree/dissagree?

Oh yeah, and Peter Parker erased his marriage to Mary Jane. Because Marvel thought that comic readers couldn't relate to a happily married man.

$&%^ you, Marvel!
Fox has no clue how to make a Marvel movie. The absolutely desecrated DEADPOOL/WADE WILSON in Wolverine Origins! Coming from a huge Deadpool fan (me) I was appalled at what I saw on screen. Worse yet is they are involved with the Deadpool movie. Hopefully Ryan Reynolds is still on board and will make sure its done properly as he is actually a big fan of the character.
Fox has no clue how to make a Marvel movie. The absolutely desecrated DEADPOOL/WADE WILSON in Wolverine Origins! Coming from a huge Deadpool fan (me) I was appalled at what I saw on screen. Worse yet is they are involved with the Deadpool movie. Hopefully Ryan Reynolds is still on board and will make sure its done properly as he is actually a big fan of the character.

Wolverine has been my favorite Marvel character for close to two decades and I still haven't seen that movie. I'll likely never willingly watch it any time soon either.

Although Aronofsky doing the sequel could mean the next one is good.
You missed killing and then later resurrecting Psylocke. (Yeah, over the weekend I picked up a couple of collections of "X-Treme X-Men", partially because Claremont was writing. There was a mixed bag of stuff, much of which seemed half-baked and didn't seem to go anywhere.) Unfortunately, deaths in the Marvel universe have little impact, because just about any character can be resurected at any time.

As for First Class, the only thing that really gives me hope is Matthew Vaughn's involvement. So far, he hasn't made a movie I haven't liked. That being said, Fox has shown absolutely no respect to the Marvel fanbase, and it would have to take more than signing a couple of high-profile directors to turn that around.
Marvel's quality can rarely come out in a movie. A TV series perhaps, but any X-Men fan is going to have to accept that it will never start like X-Men #1.
Duchess, it looks like Nightcrawler to me... not Beast.

I think they shouldn't have gone for a new origins type of story (and maybe they aren't actually), but I do think they should have tagged Chris Claremont to have written the script.
Beast has mutated many times over the years. This most recent one happened in 2001.

This. He was blue and "beastly" in the 90's, the cat thing happened more recently.

I mean, really.. being blue wasn't enough?

He looked like this in the cartoon, and for a good... ummm.. 30 or so years?

Posting in this thread because someone put an amazing quote from an amazing movie in Beast's dialogue bubble.
Tis proof that even bad writers have infiltrated good comics :)

thank God Gaiman walked away with Sandman when he did..

(PS - I did see the promo pic for the "new" Xmen movie.. I'm a BIG fan of Michael Fassbender and James MacAvoy and for them alone, I'll go check it out)
Young Justice is a great kickass show but, i do wish Kevin,and Tim where in it, lots of other great voice actors though.

anyway this x men stuff I'm looking at here is kind of hurting my eyes,marvel has yet to make a good animated movie,and there live action movies are just, I can't even put into words how bad they are. Thumbs down from me.
anyway this x men stuff I'm looking at here is kind of hurting my eyes,marvel has yet to make a good animated movie,and there live action movies are just, I can't even put into words how bad they are. Thumbs down from me.

I would mostly agree, but I did think Spiderman 2 was one of the best superhero movies. Heck, even the first was pretty good but not great. I liked the first two X-Men as well. The problem with X-Men is due to all the characters, it's hard to make a really great movie out of it. Beyond that though, you are correct for the most part. Fantastic Four and Ghost Rider alone are reason enough for Marvel not to do movies. Haha.
I would mostly agree, but I did think Spiderman 2 was one of the best superhero movies. Heck, even the first was pretty good but not great. I liked the first two X-Men as well. The problem with X-Men is due to all the characters, it's hard to make a really great movie out of it. Beyond that though, you are correct for the most part. Fantastic Four and Ghost Rider alone are reason enough for Marvel not to do movies. Haha.

Marvel didn't make a single movie you just mentioned.

Marvel made the second Hulk film, Iron Man 1 & 2 and are making Thor, Captain America, and The Avengers.
The film rights belong to other studios for Fantastic Four (Fox), Spider-man (Sony), and X-Men (Fox) and because of the deal Marvel made, those studios pretty much keep the rights as long as they keep developing movies.
you know what? Wolverine can die in a ditch. There. I said it. You'd think after 30 years of angsting he'd have gotten it out of his system by now.