you know what? Wolverine can die in a ditch. There. I said it. You'd think after 30 years of angsting he'd have gotten it out of his system by now.
That whole debate makes me laugh, just like the people who raged at a muslim character in Batman. Racism at its finest.
Peter Parker is spider-man. If you want to kill him off, kill him off. But god dammit, create another hero, rather than re-hashing your most Iconic character.
hispanic guy replacing white superheroI'm okay with this, because it's the Ultimates universe. yes, if 616 peter parker was killed i'd be pissed off all to hell It's an alternate universe, and one that I never liked much..i really liked ultimate spiderman, but really only up untill the ultimatum wave but that being said, this all feels very familiar somehow..
Hispanic guy replacing a white guy...
Bug-themed superhero...
You know, they recently did the same with Dick Grayson become Batman. It actually worked out really well! I loved Dick-Batman! (Batman was always kind of a dick..)
ADDENDUM: Every time I see one of my nerd-rage threads revived I have to LOL a bit at myself.. XD
With all the multi-verses and what not, is any comic book hero really gone? It stopped being shocking after the whole House of M, and the Captain America death was the nail in the coffin. By the time Wolverine goes to hell it's just whatever, yeah he's gonna beat up Satan and escape, cause he's the best at what he does bub.
Can you picture G R.R. Martin writing books for Marvel, everyone dies by issue #4 and the book is now about unicorns and your argument is invalid. Surely they will be back in a Zombies book though
Imho the best books out are Walking Dead & American Vampire.
Pssst bro, come here for a's not real.
but bruce wayne came back from the dead
Yeah, but I wouldn't have minded if he stayed dead, like in the Earth 2 universe where Huntress replaced him.
Batman has become the Wolverine of DC. Or is it the other way around?