Never heard Evergrey


Dec 21, 2001
So can anyone tell me a bit what kind of music it is and maybe suggest some songs to download?

or possibly suggest the best one to start from these 3 albums:
In Search Of Truth
Solitude Dominance Tragedy
The Dark Discovery

Do they have more albums?

(yes, I am too bored/lazy/out of time to go look on the site :grin: )
Ok, went to the site, got all the tracks that I found, in the beginning it sounded good, but then the singing started, nothing wrong with it really, but I have been past the Iron Maiden/Helloween/etc. phase for years and I sure as hell don't wanna go back.
This would be something to listen to if non of my favorites were available, but right now I won't get their albums.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Ok, went to the site, got all the tracks that I found, in the beginning it sounded good, but then the singing started, nothing wrong with it really, but I have been past the Iron Maiden/Helloween/etc. phase for years and I sure as hell don't wanna go back.
This would be something to listen to if non of my favorites were available, but right now I won't get their albums.

Yeah... right dude... :lol:
I totally agree Frightened Shadow and Demonspell.

I find their sound rather fresh.

I've only started listening to In Search and Solitude this past week so I don't fully know the cds yet.

I also played them to my best friend this weekend, telling her Evergrey would also be at Wacken this year (she's coming with me) and she's totally converted!:grin:

One more person and my job is done:lol:
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Ok, went to the site, got all the tracks that I found, in the beginning it sounded good, but then the singing started, nothing wrong with it really, but I have been past the Iron Maiden/Helloween/etc. phase for years and I sure as hell don't wanna go back.
This would be something to listen to if non of my favorites were available, but right now I won't get their albums.

It's almost like hearing one of my friends.
He's a BIG Blind Guardian / Iron Maiden fan...
Bands I would never compare Evergrey to,
cause I just think they're different... But when
he heard Evergrey he was like "Iron Maiden is
so much better....blabla...." ?!

Oh well, we all have different tastes, and it
makes the world a little more interesting :o)
Originally posted by Blackspirit

It's almost like hearing one of my friends.
He's a BIG Blind Guardian / Iron Maiden fan...
Bands I would never compare Evergrey to,
cause I just think they're different... But when
he heard Evergrey he was like "Iron Maiden is
so much better....blabla...." ?!

Oh well, we all have different tastes, and it
makes the world a little more interesting :o)

There's a difference between "having different tastes" and being totally and completely ignorant. :D
I wouldn't match Everygrey with IM or most any of the power metal bands. Their sound is fresh, and Tom does a great job on the vocal end. He doesn't really scream like Bruce does he?

But that's ok that Sala doesn't like our beloved Evergrey, it only means that much more for me!

Ok, I gave them another try, same result, maybe I am just old, but they sound like so many other bands out there :confused:

But, I may change my mind, depending on what Rehn will be doing in the band (hoping vocals, he kicked ass in Abyssos).

And, btw, if you don't like my oppinion of them sounding like IM, too bad, that doesn't make me ignorant, it's my oppinion and like an asshole, everyone has one.
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan

There's a difference between "having different tastes" and being totally and completely ignorant. :D

And this makes me even less likely to like them, why would I want to be associated with moron fans like you?

It's really intelligent to start mocking someone just cos their tastes are not like yours, makes the band look really appealing.

At least I compared them to legends like IM/Helloween etc. you might have taken it as a compliment, I mean, I could have said they sound like nu-metal.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja

And this makes me even less likely to like them, why would I want to be associated with moron fans like you?

It's really intelligent to start mocking someone just cos their tastes are not like yours, makes the band look really appealing.

At least I compared them to legends like IM/Helloween etc. you might have taken it as a compliment, I mean, I could have said they sound like nu-metal.

Calm down, sir! I wasn't mocking your tastes! I was mocking your ridiculous comparison of Evergrey to Helloween!
Originally posted by Natasha

Bet you I'm older :lol: I was the oldest on the Edguy board:grin:

Well, I'm not that old, but been to metal for quite a long time :)

damn, I fucked up, didn't I, never tell a woman she might (possibly) be old :rolleyes: