Never talk to cops


Aug 30, 2001
I found this on another board and thought it might bring up some discussion here. Although I've never been really messed with too much by police before, I still try to avoid them at all costs. I think most of this info is pretty great, it basically centers around the 5th amendment and how most people are too stupid to take advantage of that right (the right to shut up and not talk to anybody).

The videos are long, but I watched them last night and they went by in what felt like 5 minutes.

How to Talk to the police


Citizenship Training: Do Not Talk to the Cops.

Whatever you are doing, it’s probably not as important as watching this video, where Professor James Duane of Regent University in Virginia explains why you must never, ever, respond to police questioning. No matter how honest you are, no matter how innocent you are, no matter how smart or well trained you are, do not talk to the cops. Ever.

He is followed by Officer George Bruch, who explains how the police conduct interviews (”interviews”, mind, not “interrogations”) and why they so often result in convictions.

Yeah, it’s 48 minutes long. It’s worth it. How much is it worth? At the very least, whatever your lawyer would charge to talk to you for 48 minutes, likely hundreds of dollars. Possibly, it is worth many more hours of your lawyer’s time, time in court, your reputation, your freedom.

Nicked from The War on Guns, where I made the following comment:

The video is great, and a must see. I appreciated both the lawyer (who looks like Eric Idle and talks like an auctioneer) and the cop. They both reinforce the command: Do not talk to the police. Ever.

However, check out this comment from Martial Talk, listing Massad Ayoob’s advice on what to say when reporting a self defense incident:

When the cops arrive tell them the dynamics of the situation.
That is:
a. you are the victim
b. the ones on the ground (hopefully) are the suspects
c. point out any evidence (like clubs, knives, guns, etc.. before someone in the crowed walks off with them.) Same goes for any other evidence.
d. point out any bruise, cuts, tears, etc.. done to you or others.
e. tell the cops you will co-operate 100 percent, totally, but…. you are upset and would like to talk to your lawyer first!
Then shut up! If they try to ask even small-talk questions, be firm, be polite, but tell them you still want to talk to a lawyer first.

[Minor spelling and grammar corrections.]

Placing this in a self-defense context is very troubling, because I have often seen advice to the effect that if you must even display your weapon, you must be the one who reports the incident first. Ayoob’s advice still applies, I think, if you can keep from adding any details whatsoever. “That guy forced me to act in self defense. He cut me here. You can see the knife there. No, I’m sorry, I can come in and make a full statement tomorrow, but that’s all for now.”

== == ==

Best bit from Prof. Duane: showing how hard it is to remember exactly what you heard. I listened twice, and still got it wrong.

Best bit from Officer Bruch: if he follows you in your car long enough, you will eventually do something he can legitimately pull you over and ticket you for. The next time I’m followed, I’m pulling into the nearest store parking lot as soon as I can.

One more piece of IANAL advice: never consent to a search. Don’t resist, be respectful, but do not consent. You have no idea what the cops are looking for, or how they will interpret what they find. Most important, whatever errors the police may have made in stopping you, or in the warrant, or in the subsequent search are irrelevant if you consent.

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Dude i got my head bashed in by more cops in Houston then I EVER did in NYC....

Shit there was this time when a friends band was playing at Numbers, so we go down check them out and after the show we were out in the parking lot. Cops show up tell us we need to leave. As we are walking to the cars cops bashes me in the back of the head with his nightstick and gives me the "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE MOTHER FUCKER" ... I'm like WTF dude I'm walking to my car..... well chaos ensued, we all ended up in cuffs and a cell for the night.

Houston cops are DICKS!!

FYI the band was Bozo Porno Circus
Is it wrong to hate cops even though they've never done me bad?

Cuz I pretty much do.
Hey, my first cousin is a lieutenant in the force, and I still hate cops. Sounds about right.

Dude i got my head bashed in by more cops in Houston then I EVER did in NYC....

Shit there was this time when a friends band was playing at Numbers, so we go down check them out and after the show we were out in the parking lot. Cops show up tell us we need to leave. As we are walking to the cars cops bashes me in the back of the head with his nightstick and gives me the "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE MOTHER FUCKER" ... I'm like WTF dude I'm walking to my car..... well chaos ensued, we all ended up in cuffs and a cell for the night.

Houston cops are DICKS!!

FYI the band was Bozo Porno Circus

Sorry to hear it man. They've beat the shit out of me and my friends more than once. You gotta "yes sir no sir" them right away. I've met a some cool cops, but they're few and far between.

Kevin-Thats not wrong at all. It may not have happened to you but police brutality is a serious problem in a lot of cities, it's a crying shame it will never be addressed.
They do address it here, and cops get fired accordingly. A few years ago there was even an incident where the police chief fired a BUNCH of officers at the same time over petty, administrative crap. Cops in this area are always under a lot of scrutiny.

That being said, yeah there are a lot of bad cops, but I can't hate them as a whole. They make the area around my school very safe, and they're not constantly hassling people either.

Dude i got my head bashed in by more cops in Houston then I EVER did in NYC....

Shit there was this time when a friends band was playing at Numbers, so we go down check them out and after the show we were out in the parking lot. Cops show up tell us we need to leave. As we are walking to the cars cops bashes me in the back of the head with his nightstick and gives me the "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE MOTHER FUCKER" ... I'm like WTF dude I'm walking to my car..... well chaos ensued, we all ended up in cuffs and a cell for the night.

Houston cops are DICKS!!

FYI the band was Bozo Porno Circus

Jason, I know what you mean about Houston Cops, had my run in's with them as well. Around Numbers (well Westhiemer in general) they are (or were) really bad.

Worse though, are the little "cities" within the Houston limits. Spring Valley specifically. I got pulled over there, taken into custody (over a bogus 5 year old warrant) and the cop tried to plant pot in my car. I freaked out, went on a rant about sueing the city, the police, the cop and every one else involved. His Captain heard me and told him to STFU and get away from me. All charges dropped and I was released. Can't imagine what would have happened if I would not have gone ballistic. I could tell this guy wanted to come into the cell and beat the ever loving shit out of me.
Even in such an progressed country as Sweden is supposed to be, the behaviour of the law enforcement is a problem, so i can't imagine how it is in some states in the U.S.

They'll straight up beat you for the slighest thing. It's H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E.

I'd like to discuss some cool cops we have here, though. First of all, the constables are usually worse than HPD.

We got pulled over and searched one time for no turn signal because we were two white guys and a Mexican. The cop was so impressed with how well my best friend rolled his ciggarillo, he let us go, AND let us keep it.

Another time back in August this other Mexican was driving us back from the same friends birthday party. He didn't have a seatbelt on, we got pulled over, he was clearly drunk, eyes bloodshot and red. We also had no insurance. Fucked for sure, right?

He let us off with a warning. Our guess is that when he read my friends ID he saw it was his birthday.
what WD says is true....about hair

get the hair permed trendy then you maybe will be alright.

if you do illegal stuff you will get shafted, so watched out ok!!!!!!
Considering the length of your hair Kevin most cops are going to assume that you're either a drug user or a drug dealer or at the least a low class citizen, so no, it's not wrong
That assumption happened to me several times.
Three cops get out of an unmarked van "Yeah, we got a call some kids were drinking and smoking out here, up against the wall." It was 4 in the afternoon and we were outside a corner store, no one even had a lit cigarette. They search us and unfortunately my friend (there were four of us) ended up staying the night at central bookings because he had weed on him. They made up a bogus excuse and got lucky.
Another time a friend and I had literally just come up from the subway and each lit a cigarette. We don't even take five steps before two guys come up to us asking what we're smoking, mention something about being a cop and pat us down. And this was a few blocks from Times Square.

I've had some run ins with cool cops too, but much more with overzealous dickbags.