Nevermore DHIADW style Kemper profile

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I've just tried to recreate one of my favourite tones ( I mean recreate with an actual amp and cab, not some match EQ or so)....gotten pretty close, kempered's the result:

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Pretty excited to try this as it is also one of my favorite tones - and one that was previously beyond reach for me. Much appreciated, Lasse.
tbh, I don't plan on releasing this to the public, Andy has created the perfect sound for that record, and I'm not sure if I wanna hear it on any other record...that guitar tone is part of what makes DHIADW so special
Sounds awesome Lasse! Either way, I am anxiously awaiting your profile pack. Tell me where to send the money!!
tbh, I don't plan on releasing this to the public, Andy has created the perfect sound for that record, and I'm not sure if I wanna hear it on any other record...that guitar tone is part of what makes DHIADW so special

To be honest, it baffles me how you actually think that using this profile (or match EQ it) would help anyone make a record that resembles in the least DHIADW sound wise. I mean yes, you could do it, and some other people here have the skill to do it....but are these really the people that use match EQed guitars ?
The people that use match EQed guitars (and I include me in this category) are amateurs or semi-pros at best that don't really have the confidence/skills/equipment to create their own sound. Do you really think that these people can a create a mix that comes close to DHIDW?
I'm not saying this to convince you to release the profile. I think it's your right to keep it to yourself. And people will still be able to match EQ it from the original album anyway. I'm saying this mostly because of a post I saw you posted on facebook about "those annoying match EQ kids" which to be honest it came off a little bit snobbish. Just because other people don't have the skills or the equipment you have doesn't have to make them annoying. Everyone has to start from somewhere, and usually that is to try and copy your favorite mixes or guitar tones etc. Obviously you don't have anything to feel threatened from them, they can't really steal your mixing skills.
Anyway, I hope I expressed myself correctly, I didn't mean any offence and sorry if I misunderstood your comment.

P.s. The profile sounds indeed spot on. This is one of my favorite tones too, and by far my favorite Dual Recto metal tone. DHIADW is one of my main reference albums for the mix and guitar tone. Never got close to it obviously.
well, I didn't mean that if I released that profile there'd be DHIADW clones flooding out.
I just see it more as a sign of respect towards Andy, the tone is something he created, tbh I just tried to get a similar tone for the sake of it...kinda saw it as a challenge.
I just think there are already so many Sneap clones out there, and that particular guitar sound is extremely unique to that record, I'm just not sure if I wanna hear it on another production.
Not that it makes the awesomeness of DHIADW less awesome, but I kinda like the idea that it's "unique"...everyone is using his 6505 settings with a 57 on a v30 dustcap/seam already....perhaps I just wanna "preserve" my admiration for that record, because it really is the only one out there with a guitar tone like that ;)
And I don't think it's for me to decide to give Andy's tone to other people....I kinda see it as his trademark.

and about the "match EQ kids"....yeah, that does annoy me a bit, NOT the fact that people are using match EQ, but the fact that a lot of people just don't even bother to learn micing an amp or creating their own often did we have to read on this forum "just use LePou and match EQ, and it'll sound exactly the same", it doesn't, not if you train your ears.
it's not match EQ that annoys me, it's the lazy attitude of some of those kids that think they can mix/produce, even advertise their services commercially, but all they do is use DFH presets and match EQ'd guitars.

again, don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against the technique, and I don't care if someone uses that method to get decent guitar sounds at home....but the lazyness and boldness of some "bedroom-professionals" just annoys me

and often those people contact me through PM on FB, asking me for the solo'd guitars..I go to their profile and see that they're running a "studio"....then it becaomes blatantly obvious what they wanna do with it.
I'm not talking about the average guitarist who just wants a decent sound
All I ask is that when you release a profile pack that you include a killer Recto rig. I have had a hard time finding a great one for metal applications. Thanks for your talents!
well, I didn't mean that if I released that profile there'd be DHIADW clones flooding out.
I just see it more as a sign of respect towards Andy, the tone is something he created, tbh I just tried to get a similar tone for the sake of it...kinda saw it as a challenge.
I just think there are already so many Sneap clones out there, and that particular guitar sound is extremely unique to that record, I'm just not sure if I wanna hear it on another production.
Not that it makes the awesomeness of DHIADW less awesome, but I kinda like the idea that it's "unique"...everyone is using his 6505 settings with a 57 on a v30 dustcap/seam already....perhaps I just wanna "preserve" my admiration for that record, because it really is the only one out there with a guitar tone like that ;)
And I don't think it's for me to decide to give Andy's tone to other people....I kinda see it as his trademark.

and about the "match EQ kids"....yeah, that does annoy me a bit, NOT the fact that people are using match EQ, but the fact that a lot of people just don't even bother to learn micing an amp or creating their own often did we have to read on this forum "just use LePou and match EQ, and it'll sound exactly the same", it doesn't, not if you train your ears.
it's not match EQ that annoys me, it's the lazy attitude of some of those kids that think they can mix/produce, even advertise their services commercially, but all they do is use DFH presets and match EQ'd guitars.

again, don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against the technique, and I don't care if someone uses that method to get decent guitar sounds at home....but the lazyness and boldness of some "bedroom-professionals" just annoys me

and often those people contact me through PM on FB, asking me for the solo'd guitars..I go to their profile and see that they're running a "studio"....then it becaomes blatantly obvious what they wanna do with it.
I'm not talking about the average guitarist who just wants a decent sound

Fair enough.
Thoughtful reply Lasse, and plenty of respect from me.

I say this as a (very) average guitarist who does this purely for my own enjoyment. And a very happy LSDdrums and Kemper owner - of which the quality of both fills me with wonder!
hey Lasse, as a Kemper owner, maybe this would be a good time to ask you:

Do you think the Kemper is man's last guitar tone purchase?
because if it's as good as they say it is, than soon (if not already) the online tone librarys will contain roundabout every possible guitar tone produced by any amp in any room by any mic, so what else do you need?
it is as good as they say it is, but it still won't be the last purchase.
cause let's face it, you're not really buying all those amps becase they sound so extremely different and because only that next amp can give you your're buying because you'r a fucking GAS riddled gear slut....and that won't change.

I really really love the Kemper, but at the end of the day you still don't have ALL the tones....I just move te mic by 0.5cm to the side and have a new tone...I could of course profile that, but then I can move the mic another 0.5cm or angle it, or move the cab in the room or use different tubes there'll always be use for real amps, especially for us gear retards.
I don't care if you upload the profile or not, but would you mind sharing a few pointers on what you did with the Recto, which revision, microphone etc?

Do you have any special tips for profiling? I've been happy with the results I've been getting from the Kemper, but it'd obviously be cool to hear if you have any pointers!
I don't care if you upload the profile or not, but would you mind sharing a few pointers on what you did with the Recto, which revision, microphone etc?

Do you have any special tips for profiling? I've been happy with the results I've been getting from the Kemper, but it'd obviously be cool to hear if you have any pointers!

Taken from the YT comments:

"Mesa Rackmount Rectifier, Maxon od808, Marshall 1960, sm57"
yeah, it's Greg's old Rackto, RevG, modded with MErcury Magnetics.
two sm57 (one on each speaker), one going through API, the other one through BAE 1073.
I think the refining process is rather important.
try the following:
refine only using strummed chords with a lot of high strings etc.
then refine again with a lot of low palm muted chords....
you'll hear the difference rather clearly....use those findings to tweak your "refine"-playing to get the best possible result