Nevermore "Enemies of Reality" review @ DigitalMetal

retarded penguin said:
Please don't call Dio gayass music. :(
Why not use something more friendly, like, Queer eh?
It's really better for the environment. :)
Don't say that too loud or CBS will have a series, "The Gay Ear for the Straight" (and here's where the analogy to "the gay eye for the straight guy" show fails...)

Don't know...never got into Dio...too much vibrato, maybe..."Lock Up The Wolves"... *shudder*
Slayer kinda did start to suck after Seasons...I haven't cared about anything they did since. Diabolus In Musica is such utter tripe, and everything else is BORING.

DEATH ANGEL KILLS. Fucking amazing band, as you can tell by my avatar...what was the name of the first Organization CD?

Heh heh heh, Strunk & White Assassin.
Pyrus said:
DEATH ANGEL KILLS. Fucking amazing band, as you can tell by my avatar...what was the name of the first Organization CD?
As far as I know, it was self titled....either that or "The O"... The cover art is cool, but there's just the band name.... Got mine at J&L Records in Lafayette, IN...probably not a big help, there, eh?
Heh heh heh, Strunk & White Assassin.
NoLordy only trusts EvilG of Metal-Rules, their tastes parallel each other. Even then, he sometimes samples for himself.
Kon16ov said:
I think that DA and subsequently the first Organization CD rage...the second Organization (SF) CD was less good...the Steely Dan cover was cool, though...

Yes The Organisation's self titled is a classic album, one I still own, I sold their follow up though, it was very average!!

Any updates on the production issues of EOR, I am hoping the sound quality gets cleaned up before release.

Savor the Flavor was the name of their 2nd CD and it was pretty crappy overall. The first one was decent, but still not nearly as good as Act III. They actually went on to form Swarm after The Organization disbanded, but then they decided to reform Death Angel last year. So, I dunno if they'll continue to do both, or just kill off Swarm (not like it was doing anything, they had like 2 demos). Swarm was like a lighter version of Death Angel, and while it had some interesting moments, it felt lacking.
jimbobhickville said:
Savor the Flavor was the name of their 2nd CD and it was pretty crappy overall. The first one was decent, but still not nearly as good as Act III. They actually went on to form Swarm after The Organization disbanded, but then they decided to reform Death Angel last year. So, I dunno if they'll continue to do both, or just kill off Swarm (not like it was doing anything, they had like 2 demos). Swarm was like a lighter version of Death Angel, and while it had some interesting moments, it felt lacking.
Yeah, I never got into Swarm...thought Act III was probably the best album they'd done, but wondered what it would have been like if Cavs had sung the whole time rather than Ose. Dunno. I knew something was amiss just by the cover of Savor... :)