Nevermore - Enemies Of Reality


AKA Pooch - Mark
Sep 15, 2001
Sunnyvale, California
The production is pretty weak (too bad they didn't contact Neil for this one), but the music is outstanding. Jeff and Van are insane on this disc! This probably would have challenged POE for my favorite Nevermore disc, but it only clocks in at around 41 minutes. Favorite tracks, so far: Ambivalent, Never Purify, I Voyager, Enemies Of Reality and Seed Awakening, but the only song I don't like is Noumenon. I can't wait to see and hear these new songs live! Anyone else here heard it yet (I know Henry has)?

TheShadowfiend said:
Ahh, I see. One of those, "If it wasn't for the production...." type of situation.

I think it's more like Kelly Grey type situation. Anyways I love the band no matter what and will be getting the cd as soon as it comes out.

Yea their remastering the CD if you havent hear, the release date might be pushed back again due to it. I heard (half) of the remastered title track. sounds a fuck lot better (althought it wasnt THAT bad to begin with, maybe just my opinion).
First off, yes, Nevermore is going to remaster Enemies Of Reality. I hope the remaster sounds much better. Nevermore deserves the best possible sound.

Next, I am a huge Nevermore fan. I've bought everything they have released, and I will continue to do so in the future. When they tour, I attend the shows in my area.

Therefore, fuck off.

En Vind Av Sorg said:
Addition: Buy the actual CD you pirating Nazi's

I'm not a mp3 person. I only have like 5 mp3s on my computer but they are ones from my friends that are in bands. I always buy the albums by the bands I like. I don't even make mp3s of any of my albums in my collection. If they want an album so bad, then they can get their asses to the store and buy it.