Nevermore in Detroit


Jul 29, 2002
Green Oak, michigan
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I caught this show tonight. Nevermore was not very good. The sound sucked ass and Warrel was way off, and lacked a good presence.

Setist: (I think this is the correct order)
Seven Tongues of God
Never Purify
Engines of Hate
I Voyager
Enemies of Reality

Weak set....
I agree. The shows at the New England Metalfest and the Brave Words 6-Pack Weekend were infinately better. The sound was bad and the setlist sucked. Like they didn't play anything from DNB. That's fucking horrible. I was going to go to Cleveland too, but now I'm not so sure. Hypocrisy and Summer Dying kicked ass though \m/
Could it be that Nevermores partying habits are catching up to them?
what the hell?????? nevermore sounded pretty much perfect. anyway, the set list and order is correct. the order of the bands was:

4 local bands
children of bodom
dimmu borgir

there were a lot of chicks there
BastrdDrmr said:
I caught this show tonight. Nevermore was not very good. The sound sucked ass and Warrel was way off, and lacked a good presence.

Setist: (I think this is the correct order)
Seven Tongues of God
Never Purify
Engines of Hate
I Voyager
Enemies of Reality

Weak set....

it's fuckin' short...
Kinda got to wander around untill you find a good sounding spot. Center of the dance floor is about right. Man I wish they would get a headlining tour soon, shook hands with Van at one of the bars and said "Howdy", cool dude. Crowd was lame last night.4 Keg beers and after effects of a sinus infection/ciggerette smoke gave me a wicked headache bfore Nevermore got on and I did'nt enjoy myself too much, Seen WD better, seen WD worse, band was good. Nice meeting Van, would have been more talkitive but my head was ready to split in two. I want to see them headline with full production goddammit, drive home sucked, I hate that shit. "Scorch"?, they sucked ass, the rest were pretty good.
Yeah,for most bands you have to look for a spot in the front or it will sound like garbage. Everyone sounded really harsh except for Dimmu. Nevermore's set didn't really hold up or make me want to go off. It was nice to finally see them,but I thought Smyth was going to share in the leads more. They played pretty good but the sound sucked and the setlist didn't have alot of my favorites in it. Dimmu pretty much blew everyone away soundwise. They always bring those sweet DMX lights and have an amazing intro. We were doing 7&7's,shots of cuervo and blazing down in the rear tables. That place is like fuckin amsterdam. We took a joint down to the floor level and smoked it right by the pit. It was fuckin worth every cent.
There was some bare chested fratboy playing king of the mountain in the pit though. Someone needs to take a crowbar to these fuckers and seriously learn'em.
Troyanasy said:

Dude are fuckin' around?

Man,maybe it was because it was show # 1

or maybe like Poison and Cher and have a hairy back
Since when is it excusable to play like shit just because it's the second (not the first) show of the tour? I'd paid money to see the show. It wasn't some fucking rehearsal.
Almost got it from me, I just left instead of laying him out,"look at me I am monkey boy, ooo!oooo!" Lesson to kids, DO NOT drink keg bud under any circumstance, I figured all hell, I'll have a few drafts, that was the worst buzz I've ever had, my head was splitting by the time nevermore came up. I have'nt drank draft beer in years and guess I needed to remind myself once more. 4 beers and felt like someone filled my head with helium
could be worse. Me and three others ended up doing some pre-partying on the way down with a couple fifths of Seagrams. My friend started pounding one of the bottles in the lot,even though we had plenty of dough to spend on drinks. For some reason he decided to "run" to the entrance from our car. He almost puked but ended up doing a couple more shots with us. He basically blew his wad early and passed out during the second song of Nevermore's set. He had been talking so much shit about this show last summer,hyping it up and the pussy ended up crashing in my car until Dimmu's set was over. And for anyone that wasn't there,they played for fuckin ever. The encore was a good half hour long. I probably didn't help much by giving him those greasy slices of pizza from the back. It was a lesson in premature ejaculation.
Well I hope Nevermore kicks ass when they come to Toronto on Nov. 11th. I can't wait
: )
man thats a fucking weak-ass setlist. fuck. what the shit is that crap? jesus. that kinda pisses me off. really. typical north american setlist. how come they bust out all the fucking stops for the euro crowd? fuck that shit. that set was totally predictable and standard. i hope they step it up a notch for the toronto show in 2 days.

though, regardless of the set, nevermore will still be great to see...but it sure as shit could be a fuckload better. *sigh*