NEVERMORE Frontman Working On Solo Album

Sentient 6 said:
ok who told you? I love to yodel! No, really, people don't believe me when I tell 'em that sometimes I yodel to warm up

Theres another thing to add to my useless knowledge...

I'd love to here the next Nevermore album entitled "Songs to fuck your sheep n` goat to"
OMG! If there is yodeling on the solo album, I will be as giddy as a schoolgirl! Seriously. You must, Warrel. Maybe a lot of people won't care for it, but at least I will enjoy ever magnificient second of it.
I just had two brilliant ideas, and I now realize that I am a genius. Dan the Automator as the producer and a duet with Jarboe. Any arguments? I didn't think so.
Originally Posted by Sentient 6
oh Will are you perched upon your soiled throne again??? haha

Maybe, man... I just might have to crawl up on my cross again

@ both of you
I wouldn't mind hearing some anti-Capitalistic blasphemous black metal on this record. With the yodelling of course. Hey, why hasn't anyone thought of that before? Yodelling and black metal.