Nevermore gets 30 min on Gigantour...LAME!

I agree... Nevermore should have more time and Dave (I think) is smart enough to know that Nevermore is the only band in this line up to blow Mega off the stage... Cutting thru the bullshit here... that is the reason, He is worried that they will be smoked by Nevermore. Fucker still has an ego problem. Found God my ass.

DT... really, who cares? Wank, Wank, Wank... great songs but you seen one, you seen them all. Shoulda had Symphony X if he wanted that "style".

FF... Shadow of the past... what else can you say? Maybe that is it... they remind him of MD.

Dillinger who... Come on... out of all of the "new" bands that he could come up with... geeze.

Now the only good thing that I have seen Dave do is to have Dungeon (from down under) open for them in Australia... He shoulda brought them to the US and had them in the line up. Truthfully, He might be suprised in Australia because I think that Dungeon will probably smoke MD.

O well, yup... I hope to be there... but only for Nevermore.
Kiss The Void said:
i mean if he was some total sold out fundy asshole, he wouldnt even be sporting the name Megadeth anymore, nor would he have written half the material on "the system has failed" another clear blast at bush in several places. would a fundy do that? nope. and its not like hes being preachy about his shit either like that fagboy that dropped out of korn.

Actually it was pretty evident from several of his comments on interviews and the official board that Mustaine voted for Bush on the last election. Mustaine is pretty popular among the christian conservatives nowadays, if you have followed the official message board lately. I pretty much left that board when it was overrun by Jesusfreaks, über-patriots and Bush-fanatics. In other words: republicans? :p
Well, no matter what... whether you people like it or not, the tour is happening. Bitching about it will do absolutely nothing to stop it. So either you will go or you won't go.

personally, i love Dream Theater. i love Nevermore. Megadeth is good. i just don't like Christaine's voice. that's worth it altogether. plus, it's not like the tour is going to be expensive. he said that it will like $25, $30.
Why do you always specify where you are? "Will @ School" "Will @ My girlfriend's whom I should be fucking, but I'm not, instead I'm staring at a computer screen browsing forums" :Spin:
E-bortion said:
Why do you always specify where you are? "Will @ School" "Will @ My girlfriend's whom I should be fucking, but I'm not, instead I'm staring at a computer screen browsing forums" :Spin:

Because i'm too lazy to log in and go through a process of 3 screens, when i could just use this one.
Because i'm too lazy to log in and go through a process of 3 screens, when i could just use this one.
E~bortion said:
Because i'm too lazy to log in and go through a process of 3 screens, when i could just use this one.

So I kind of figured. I was just looking for another way to mock you because you go to your woman's house to browse forums. All in good fun Will.
Distorted said:
Actually it was pretty evident from several of his comments on interviews and the official board that Mustaine voted for Bush on the last election. Mustaine is pretty popular among the christian conservatives nowadays, if you have followed the official message board lately. I pretty much left that board when it was overrun by Jesusfreaks, über-patriots and Bush-fanatics. In other words: republicans? :p


yep, he voted for bush allright, thats why he blasted him ON THE COVER of the new album. the album is called "the system has failed" not exactly and endorsement of our president.

if the board was overrun by such people, they certainly didnt understand what was being said.
You certainly got this toured figured out! Good post.

The last EOR tour I saw when they were the opener the sound sucked and you could barely hear Warrel. Do they do that on purpose to make the headliner sound better? Hope that's not the case with this tour.

Dead_Lioness said:
ok Will, and the rest: I decided to explain my views on this upcoming tour.

Remember the days when Megadeth were a band? I mean, a real band, with Friedman and Menza and not just one person who manages this whole circus?
So this big born-again, bible humper, Mustain is now organizing a huge tour, trying to be the next Ozzfest.
so what does he do? He drags the most overrated band of the last decade, Dream Theatre, that doesn’t even understand why metal bands stick to them, because after all, they would have preferred playing with Peter Gabriel or David Bowie, and all this “metal band” label is really not their cup of mineral water.
(well, except Portnoy maybe, that would throw away his career in Dream Theater in a second just to play drums for Overkill or old Metallica)
So who do we have as headliners?
Born again Mega-Dave, that his last album was decent, but not big enough for this whole “GIGANTOUR”
And this “progressive metal” band, oh wait, I’m sorry, “Petrucci and friends”, that try so hard to sound heavy again, so they play riffs that could easily be in the next Limp Biscuit album with the right mix.
Say this is the right way to sound heavy would be as ridiculous as saying Mount Sinai is really in Pakistan.

SO we also have Fear Factory, but lets admit it: even they are not what they used to be, after they kicked the fat latin guy, they squeeze Barton to his last drop of creativity, and he sounds terrible live
(and on the albums they mix his voice so much that it doesn’t matter anyways)
Even Dino is not there, and you know, without Dino its *reallllllllllyyyyy* not the same anymore.
So instead of bringing some good guitar player with some good touch, They decided to let their Bass player play guitar now!
I mean, what a brilliant idea! after all, guitar and bass is the same thing!
*rolls eyes*
But would Fear factory bring a worthy, talented Bass player? No, no!
They brought somebody like Byron from Stapping Young Lads, that no one hears him there anyways.
Hooray for FF!

Now lets talk about the real tragedy here…
Finally a serious band like Nevermore, falls into Dave’s hands.
A band that was one of the biggest things in the past 6 years, and still growing!
A band that crushes Wacken every time they play there, and sound like the heaviest thing in the metal world that uses clean vocals EVER.
Comes Dave Mustain and decides to “cut” their set to 30 minutes! Like Nevermore is some new band in the block, that was just founded in a garage in Seattle and that’s their first tour ever.
I think Dave is still tripping that its 1990 and Nevermore are still Sanctuary.

Now about Dillinger, to me it looks like Dave wanted to add *another extreme metal band* so he can still look cool in the eyes of the fans,
but the real story behind adding Dillinger is because Dave is too old and he probably secretly wants to take nap breaks here and there during the tour,
so, he can always blame the violent Dillinger for “destroying the equipment” .
What he doesn’t know though, is that Dillinger and Nevermore together, can own his entire tour EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

So yeah. This is bullshit my friends, BULLSHIT.

on another note: yes, I'll be there.
Dead_Lioness said:
ok Will, and the rest: I decided to explain my views on this upcoming tour.

Remember the days when Megadeth were a band? I mean, a real band, with Friedman and Menza and not just one person who manages this whole circus?
So this big born-again, bible humper, Mustain is now organizing a huge tour, trying to be the next Ozzfest.
so what does he do? He drags the most overrated band of the last decade, Dream Theatre, that doesn’t even understand why metal bands stick to them, because after all, they would have preferred playing with Peter Gabriel or David Bowie, and all this “metal band” label is really not their cup of mineral water.
(well, except Portnoy maybe, that would throw away his career in Dream Theater in a second just to play drums for Overkill or old Metallica)
So who do we have as headliners?
Born again Mega-Dave, that his last album was decent, but not big enough for this whole “GIGANTOUR”
And this “progressive metal” band, oh wait, I’m sorry, “Petrucci and friends”, that try so hard to sound heavy again, so they play riffs that could easily be in the next Limp Biscuit album with the right mix.
Say this is the right way to sound heavy would be as ridiculous as saying Mount Sinai is really in Pakistan.

SO we also have Fear Factory, but lets admit it: even they are not what they used to be, after they kicked the fat latin guy, they squeeze Barton to his last drop of creativity, and he sounds terrible live
(and on the albums they mix his voice so much that it doesn’t matter anyways)
Even Dino is not there, and you know, without Dino its *reallllllllllyyyyy* not the same anymore.
So instead of bringing some good guitar player with some good touch, They decided to let their Bass player play guitar now!
I mean, what a brilliant idea! after all, guitar and bass is the same thing!
*rolls eyes*
But would Fear factory bring a worthy, talented Bass player? No, no!
They brought somebody like Byron from Stapping Young Lads, that no one hears him there anyways.
Hooray for FF!

Now lets talk about the real tragedy here…
Finally a serious band like Nevermore, falls into Dave’s hands.
A band that was one of the biggest things in the past 6 years, and still growing!
A band that crushes Wacken every time they play there, and sound like the heaviest thing in the metal world that uses clean vocals EVER.
Comes Dave Mustain and decides to “cut” their set to 30 minutes! Like Nevermore is some new band in the block, that was just founded in a garage in Seattle and that’s their first tour ever.
I think Dave is still tripping that its 1990 and Nevermore are still Sanctuary.

Now about Dillinger, to me it looks like Dave wanted to add *another extreme metal band* so he can still look cool in the eyes of the fans,
but the real story behind adding Dillinger is because Dave is too old and he probably secretly wants to take nap breaks here and there during the tour,
so, he can always blame the violent Dillinger for “destroying the equipment” .
What he doesn’t know though, is that Dillinger and Nevermore together, can own his entire tour EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

So yeah. This is bullshit my friends, BULLSHIT.

on another note: yes, I'll be there.



Agreed totally. Thank you for writing that out so that i can sard and not :)
I despise Mustaine so deeply....while recognizing his status as a legend.

but Will brings up some good points. sure, we'd all like to see Nevermore get a bigger time slot. 30 mins is barely enough time to get warmed up! But look at it from their perspective. There are boatloads of bands out there who would have killed for this exposure. Nevermore is on a sucky label which can barely keep their product in the stores, and this can do nothing but help the band....if they impress, when they DO do their own tour, people from this Giganturd festival will remember Nevermore and go see them in the clubs.
fixing her "computer" and decided to jump on, eh?? *snap snap grin grin nudge nudge wink wink say no more </monty python>*
I don't understand the problem. Opening act on a five band bill gets 30 minutes......yeah, and? Yes, we're all well aware of how talented NM are and how they deserve to headline to audiences of millions every night, but the fact is that all the other bands on the bill have sold plenty more records than 'em, with the possible exception of DEP. So they get to play for crowds they could potentially never have reached without them turning up to see the other bands - would you be happier if NM didn't do the festival tour and played to 150 people a night in clubs & bars while some other band gets the exposure that the 'Deth tour would get 'em?
Chromatose said:
fixing her "computer" and decided to jump on, eh?? *snap snap grin grin nudge nudge wink wink say no more </monty python>*

there is no need for any other reply...this cannot be outdone
Like has been said many times, if Dave simply wanted to sell tickets he could have gotten any number of more commercially successful bands than Nevermore, so the fact they're on the tour at all could do a lot for them. Frankly I think it's a good bill (from an industry perspective, I have no interest in DEP or FF and would rather see more Nevermore), because we know they're a technically talented band but also really heavy and aggressive, so chances are good Nevermore could appeal to the Deth, DT, DEP, and FF fans who have never heard them before. So what if they only have 30 minutes? That will probably leave any of the crowd not familiar with them going "What the hell was that? Wait, it's over!?" and buying lots of their CDs. This is a GOOD thing for Nevermore. It could lead to better spots on future similar tours or just a bigger headlining tour for them.

So yeah, giving Nevermore the opportunity to reach a shit-ton of new fans is totally bullshit. Only people willing to see them in tiny bars with the TRUE metal fans should be allowed to see Nevermore live.

Oh and by the way. DT > YOU. Suck it. :grin:
Kiss The Void said:
yep, he voted for bush allright, thats why he blasted him ON THE COVER of the new album. the album is called "the system has failed" not exactly and endorsement of our president.

if the board was overrun by such people, they certainly didnt understand what was being said.

Yep. I've seen that cover when it was still in the making. I also thought at first that he was blasting Bush with it until I read his posts on the forum and comments on several interviews about the cover, the election, voting and the war in Iraq. It was like all his views took a 180 since he started to look for guidance from his pastors instead of meddling managers. It's not very unusual that Dave contradicts himself with his comments. Truth is he hasn't blasted Bush since his controversial 9/11 rant. Can't seem to get into the forum to dig anything up. Maybe he finally closed it as he's threatened to do so many times. Right...
did i read this right...
megadeth, FF, Nevermore, and DT on the same bill? FUCK YEAH!
i fuckin love Fear Factory, them, nevermore and meshuggah are my favorite bands! fuck DE-whoever.
Distorted said:
Yep. I've seen that cover when it was still in the making. I also thought at first that he was blasting Bush with it until I read his posts on the forum and comments on several interviews about the cover, the election, voting and the war in Iraq. It was like all his views took a 180 since he started to look for guidance from his pastors instead of meddling managers. It's not very unusual that Dave contradicts himself with his comments. Truth is he hasn't blasted Bush since his controversial 9/11 rant. Can't seem to get into the forum to dig anything up. Maybe he finally closed it as he's threatened to do so many times. Right...

dude, he had already been attending church for some time when that album was released. and it still stands, if he was so fundy, he wouldnt even be flying his music under the name of Megadeth.