Nevermore gets 30 min on Gigantour...LAME!

Dead_Lioness said:
ok Will, and the rest: I decided to explain my views on this upcoming tour.

Remember the days when Megadeth were a band? I mean, a real band, with Friedman and Menza and not just one person who manages this whole circus?
So this big born-again, bible humper, Mustain is now organizing a huge tour, trying to be the next Ozzfest.
so what does he do? He drags the most overrated band of the last decade, Dream Theatre, that doesn’t even understand why metal bands stick to them, because after all, they would have preferred playing with Peter Gabriel or David Bowie, and all this “metal band” label is really not their cup of mineral water.
(well, except Portnoy maybe, that would throw away his career in Dream Theater in a second just to play drums for Overkill or old Metallica)
So who do we have as headliners?
Born again Mega-Dave, that his last album was decent, but not big enough for this whole “GIGANTOUR”
And this “progressive metal” band, oh wait, I’m sorry, “Petrucci and friends”, that try so hard to sound heavy again, so they play riffs that could easily be in the next Limp Biscuit album with the right mix.
Say this is the right way to sound heavy would be as ridiculous as saying Mount Sinai is really in Pakistan.

SO we also have Fear Factory, but lets admit it: even they are not what they used to be, after they kicked the fat latin guy, they squeeze Barton to his last drop of creativity, and he sounds terrible live
(and on the albums they mix his voice so much that it doesn’t matter anyways)
Even Dino is not there, and you know, without Dino its *reallllllllllyyyyy* not the same anymore.
So instead of bringing some good guitar player with some good touch, They decided to let their Bass player play guitar now!
I mean, what a brilliant idea! after all, guitar and bass is the same thing!
*rolls eyes*
But would Fear factory bring a worthy, talented Bass player? No, no!
They brought somebody like Byron from Stapping Young Lads, that no one hears him there anyways.
Hooray for FF!

Now lets talk about the real tragedy here…
Finally a serious band like Nevermore, falls into Dave’s hands.
A band that was one of the biggest things in the past 6 years, and still growing!
A band that crushes Wacken every time they play there, and sound like the heaviest thing in the metal world that uses clean vocals EVER.
Comes Dave Mustain and decides to “cut” their set to 30 minutes! Like Nevermore is some new band in the block, that was just founded in a garage in Seattle and that’s their first tour ever.
I think Dave is still tripping that its 1990 and Nevermore are still Sanctuary.

Now about Dillinger, to me it looks like Dave wanted to add *another extreme metal band* so he can still look cool in the eyes of the fans,
but the real story behind adding Dillinger is because Dave is too old and he probably secretly wants to take nap breaks here and there during the tour,
so, he can always blame the violent Dillinger for “destroying the equipment” .
What he doesn’t know though, is that Dillinger and Nevermore together, can own his entire tour EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

So yeah. This is bullshit my friends, BULLSHIT.
mega <3
Dead_Lioness said:
ok Will, and the rest: I decided to explain my views on this upcoming tour.

Remember the days when Megadeth were a band? I mean, a real band, with Friedman and Menza and not just one person who manages this whole circus?
So this big born-again, bible humper, Mustain is now organizing a huge tour, trying to be the next Ozzfest.
so what does he do? He drags the most overrated band of the last decade, Dream Theatre, that doesn’t even understand why metal bands stick to them, because after all, they would have preferred playing with Peter Gabriel or David Bowie, and all this “metal band” label is really not their cup of mineral water.
(well, except Portnoy maybe, that would throw away his career in Dream Theater in a second just to play drums for Overkill or old Metallica)
So who do we have as headliners?
Born again Mega-Dave, that his last album was decent, but not big enough for this whole “GIGANTOUR”
And this “progressive metal” band, oh wait, I’m sorry, “Petrucci and friends”, that try so hard to sound heavy again, so they play riffs that could easily be in the next Limp Biscuit album with the right mix.
Say this is the right way to sound heavy would be as ridiculous as saying Mount Sinai is really in Pakistan.

SO we also have Fear Factory, but lets admit it: even they are not what they used to be, after they kicked the fat latin guy, they squeeze Barton to his last drop of creativity, and he sounds terrible live
(and on the albums they mix his voice so much that it doesn’t matter anyways)
Even Dino is not there, and you know, without Dino its *reallllllllllyyyyy* not the same anymore.
So instead of bringing some good guitar player with some good touch, They decided to let their Bass player play guitar now!
I mean, what a brilliant idea! after all, guitar and bass is the same thing!
*rolls eyes*
But would Fear factory bring a worthy, talented Bass player? No, no!
They brought somebody like Byron from Stapping Young Lads, that no one hears him there anyways.
Hooray for FF!

Now lets talk about the real tragedy here…
Finally a serious band like Nevermore, falls into Dave’s hands.
A band that was one of the biggest things in the past 6 years, and still growing!
A band that crushes Wacken every time they play there, and sound like the heaviest thing in the metal world that uses clean vocals EVER.
Comes Dave Mustain and decides to “cut” their set to 30 minutes! Like Nevermore is some new band in the block, that was just founded in a garage in Seattle and that’s their first tour ever.
I think Dave is still tripping that its 1990 and Nevermore are still Sanctuary.

Now about Dillinger, to me it looks like Dave wanted to add *another extreme metal band* so he can still look cool in the eyes of the fans,
but the real story behind adding Dillinger is because Dave is too old and he probably secretly wants to take nap breaks here and there during the tour,
so, he can always blame the violent Dillinger for “destroying the equipment” .
What he doesn’t know though, is that Dillinger and Nevermore together, can own his entire tour EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

So yeah. This is bullshit my friends, BULLSHIT.

on another note: yes, I'll be there.

You fucking own Dead Lioness.
HOW FUCKING TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kiss The Void said:
dude, he had already been attending church for some time when that album was released. and it still stands, if he was so fundy, he wouldnt even be flying his music under the name of Megadeth.

Dude. I never said he was that fundy like in a Head kind of way. He started to talk about God in about 95-96 and he still fell off the wagon from time to time. It was about the time he got his hand busted when he seemed to get really serious about the whole God thing.

And about the so called Bush bashing:
"[font=arial, helvetica]BN: Let's talk about the concept behind The System Has Failed, from the lyrics to the album cover with (what looks like) Vic the Rattlehead handing money to President Bush.
DM: He's not handing money to Bush, he's taking money from these guys and Bush is not giving him money, he's pointing the finger at him saying "what are you doing". Everyone else is buying these 'passes' to get out of jail free.
" Link to interview.

Talking about putting his foot in his mouth:
[/font]DM: People in the music business, in America, are talking bad about Bush…you know what? Shut the fuck up! You’re a musician; you don’t know a thing about running a country! If there would have been a better man to run the States right now, we would have picked him, it’s a democratic process. There are a couple of guys who run for office, everybody picks him, he goes to the next level. Shut up, he’s the fucking president!" Link to interview.

Just wanted to point out that he's not the same Dave he used to be. Too bad his post on the election were deleted from the forum. Just ask anyone on the board and they'll say Dave actually voted for him.

Ok. I'm shutting up about this subject after this post since this is a Nevermore forum. Just wanted to share and try to enlighten on some misconceptions about one of the guys that got me into metal.:cool:
^ I read his posts. Dave DID vote for Bush.

But yeah, Dave isn't the Dave we used to adore. It's just he grew up and took all the bad qualities of his youth with him. :(
Jumping on the "I <3 Karen" bandwagon. Specifically the "Dream Theater blows" section of that ant. Someone find Mike Portnoy a METAL band.

Dave Mustaine has his head up his ass. Kind of a shame, he always came off as very intelligent; his views have just been distorted, first by drugs and now by religion. And he STILL can't get the fuck over Metallica. Twenty years later and the name "Lars Ulrich" still gives him jock itch. Poor bitter bastard.

P.S.: Shitty tour. Might still go if Megadeth's setlist is good and the tickets are cheap. But I'll probably be saving my money for PriestRÿche and hopefully OVAHKILL.
Alright I'm prolly going to get flamed for this post but oh well. You guys need to stop complaining about the bands on the tour and just be glad that Nevermore is on the tour getting the exposure that is long overdue. Everyone is going to have an opinon about this and that band, which is your opinon and your entiled to it. But a my band vs. your band type opinon is pointless. Each of these groups bring something different to the table, each band is going to do something different from the other and that is what will make this show great. From what I can tell, most of you do not like Mustaine, which is fine but the guy was smart for putting together this line-up. Each band is going to sound different from others, which will pull in a wide variety of people and will give each band maximum exposure and they may pick up more fans that normally would not listen to their stuff.
I fell asleep at ozzfest when I saw megadeth play.. so maybe I'll just nap again for a lot of it, and wake up for the good parts.

sleeping solves everything
evil_pete said:
Err, I think you'll find that's 1986.

Go and look up the first two lines of "Peace Sells..."

Well lets specify that he began talking about God publicly in interviews after Youthanasia. I Haven't read many of the 80's ones though. And in every one of those that I have read, it pretty much says that Dave's really messed up. If anyone can find one from the 80's or early 90's where he talks about his devotion to God, then I stand corrected.

And that line on Peace Sells can be interpreted any which way. Even sarcastically. The first serious acknowledgement seems to be in the booklet of Youthanasia, in special thanks. I draw the line there.

Dammit. I'm weak. :grin:
GroundXero3k said:
^ I read his posts. Dave DID vote for Bush.

But yeah, Dave isn't the Dave we used to adore. It's just he grew up and took all the bad qualities of his youth with him. :(

i still enjoy the music, and ultimately, thats all that matters to me no matter the beliefs involved. whether its satanist or christian, ultimately, i really dont care.
Nevermore gathered a very bad reputation when they came to montreal with dimmu here in quebec because Warrel wasn't at his best and the sound was all fucked... Sure, people didn't know them but it seems that the band didn't even sound tight... This tour is a VERY BIG chance to make up for the shitty performance they delivered in montreal the last time they came...

Please note that I wasn't at the gig but this is what all my friends who went ALL said... What they saw that night didn't make them buy anything! They do enjoy PoE whenever I play it in my stereo though...
Larf03 said:
Nevermore gathered a very bad reputation when they came to montreal with dimmu here in quebec because Warrel wasn't at his best and the sound was all fucked... Sure, people didn't know them but it seems that the band didn't even sound tight... This tour is a VERY BIG chance to make up for the shitty performance they delivered in montreal the last time they came...

Please note that I wasn't at the gig but this is what all my friends who went ALL said... What they saw that night didn't make them buy anything! They do enjoy PoE whenever I play it in my stereo though...
I had the same comment from people who went to that show too.
Dinonet had a good point about the sound....I just saw SF/LOG and Shitknot which was my first arena show in a long time.....SF and LOG had less than 50% of the P.A. and I have heard them louder in my car. Assclowns come on and the freaking sound was enough to make your ears bleed....I just hate the thought of the "openers" getting screwed so that the "headliners" can avoid being blown off the stage.

Bottom line - at least they are on the tour and nothing we can do about it.