Nevermore In Sanctuary


New Metal Member
Nov 5, 2001
Sao Paulo
Hey metal people of this world!

Do you know a good site about Sanctuary? Here in my country we have a lot albuns of lots of bands, but even like that I can't find no Sanctuary album for sale.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, if there's no site about Sanctuary on the web, build one!


Aragorn :mad: :( :cry: :err: :p :) :D :lol: :tickled: :loco:
I was going to say almost the same thing as true light. I have been to many Sanctuary pages. There is even a Sanctuary/Iced Earth page out there.

I've used Google, Altavista, and another crap serach engines. But try search the word SANCTUARY on the web, and you will see how many pages they find.

It's impossible. I've no patience. That's why I am asking it here, you bunch of junkies! :lol: :lol:

I'm kiddin

And YES, I am the same Aragorn as that one on BLAZE forum!!!

I do rock! I am son o Arathorn!


Aragorn:loco: :loco: