Nevermore Live in Japan 07 pro-videos


Sep 14, 2001
I can't believe no one ever posted these before. Pretty cool videos. Looks like they were shot for a tv show or video or something.

I think it's the only decent quality footage of Tim on bass i've seen too. Even though it's weird to see Nevermore without Jimmy.

Chris and Jeff's solo on River Dragon is so cool.

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Maybe hopefully some day soon Dave will come to his senses and fire Chris for CC Deville and we can have our beloved Loomis/Broderick duo back.
Too bad they didn't film the second night instead. They were all pretty beat from the flight and stuck in a van for hours on the way into town. There should be some interview vid from that as well.
Ha! The owner of Studio Seven can be seen jumping around behind Jeff.
Hey Steph, ZZman (tim) just posted 3 more videos from the Japan shows. I Voyager, Inside 4 Walls, and My Acid Words. Enjoy! CQ:rock: