NEVERMORE Singer: Found Out Via BLABBERMOUTH.NET That Guitarist And Drummer Quit

Beerfest next Saturday. Loads of small breweries get together and let you taste the shit out of their beers.

Brewdog gonna be there. Gonna drink the TITS OFF of their Punk IPA.
Fruit beer? If you weren't a woman* I'd call you a total faggot, Jayme :P

* and if I didn't think you were so awesome

Hehehe! Well Festina Peche does sound faggoty! ;)

I think Festina Peche is nasty. tastes like sour patch kids to me.

Yeah I brought it to a party once and no one liked it, haha. It tastes like a peachy soda to me.. not beer at all. It's not my favorite beer, but I liked it.