NEVERMORE Singer: Found Out Via BLABBERMOUTH.NET That Guitarist And Drummer Quit

I read Warrel said he was cool with one and didn't like another, I assumed it was the other way around though, nice to know it's Jeff he's still cool with. Van always seemed like a boring, silly man to me. And also, I always thought that his playing was a little boring. Not bad, but it could be more intersting. But it was also flawlessly executed, so... Win some, you lose some.
..........ANYWAY metal drummers rule the bands anyway they are always pinched.

Probably knew the units were not selling for all there hard work, and there was no compassion.

wd is an attention seeker.
If they want to sell units they're playing the wrong genre, to hell with that.

Anyway, I gotta say it again, I'd really like Asgeir Mickelson to drum. He is far more inventive and talented than Van.
If they want to sell units they're playing the wrong genre, to hell with that.

Anyway, I gotta say it again, I'd really like Asgeir Mickelson to drum. He is far more inventive and talented than Van.

Everyone always says this about their favorite "underrated" bands, but I still have no idea how Nevermore never had more of an audience. Was it simply a matter of the long breaks in between albums? Really awful advertising?

Or to actually sell metal albums that do not have the word "Metallica" attatched, do you have to a) have death vocals b) wear corpse/war paint c) play a single chord as fast as you possibly can for 32 measures, d) scream emo shit or e) all of the above?

Time and time again I'll ask someone who shows any interest at all in metal of any kind if they've ever heard of Nevermore. Who? And time and time again they also end up becoming one of their favorite bands.
i don't mean this as an insult to Warrel at all, but I think his vocals are a big part of the reason Nevermore never got as super-huge as certain other bands. His singing is very unique, but it's also strange and off-putting at first. Many people don't have the attention span to get used to that operatic baritone type voice in the context of really heavy metal...which is a shame because i think that he's one of the strongest singers in metal.
i don't mean this as an insult to Warrel at all, but I think his vocals are a big part of the reason Nevermore never got as super-huge as certain other bands. His singing is very unique, but it's also strange and off-putting at first. Many people don't have the attention span to get used to that operatic baritone type voice in the context of really heavy metal...which is a shame because i think that he's one of the strongest singers in metal.

Well, I didn't feel like going that far in my post--but I feel like that really is another huge reason as well...which is kind of why I mentioned Death vocals or just screaming. Yet all it takes is a few songs to anyone who is even remotely open-minded. Fuck, if you like Queensryche or Iron Maiden--with extra rage!--I'm not sure how anything about his vocals could be considered "bad". I know some don't like his tendancy to warble or when he goes "off key" sometimes(which sounds intentional, but who knows), but those are really the only standout issues.

Ironically, I have one friend in particular who thinks the music of Nevermore was great, but couldn't really get into the vocals...yet absolutely loves Communic. :confused: And then another friend who is like "Huh? The vocals are the best part!".
Sorry, but Nevermore will never be truly Nevermore without Jeff. It's on par with trying to keep Zeppelin going without Page... Just can't happen.