Guitarist STEVE SMYTH Parts Ways With NEVERMORE - Aug. 30, 2007

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look, i really love to argue....i really do but this is kinda stupid. youre obviously defending your boyfriend which i totally understand and respect and im not being sarcastic.

all im saying is that at the time of the tge recording, it is my belief that nevermore elected to bring steve into the band over chris because his writing, at the time, was just more of what they were looking for. you have to admit that was part of it. ill give you the partying and the booze thing as being a factor, sure. but go to the official site and read some of those tge interviews for yourself. theyre pretty straight forward in telling why they picked steve and there is more than one interview with more than one band member where they say specifically "WHY" they selected steve, and they reference his songwriting. end of story.

like i said before - ive nothing against chris - he's a talented player no doubt and i wont mind if he joins nevermore as a member as long as he brings the heaviness. im not even trying to defend just givin my .2 and if i chose to believe what i read in multiple interviews over what you say even though you know the band yourself, then sorry if that bothers you.
"This song off our new album is called, The Great Black Abyss."

*Balls to the wall riffage*

*jazz slap*

Yeah, sue me, I can't think of Nevermore-esque song names.
steve already left nevermore, why are you arguing why they chose him after he is gone? IMHO he was the best fit in Nevermore out of all the guitarists nevermore ever had for an album. I wish they would have done one more album with him, to see how he would have evolved in envermore (and that would have been amazing imho).

i agree, creative differences is bullshit and all that. What i think bothered steve most (my opinion only) is the born video, and that they booked shows without him, so that is why he left imho.
Will Bozarth said:
Enemies is better than DHIADW because Dead Heart is bland, annoying, and monotonous save for the ballads.

every song on Enemies is memorable... even fucking Noumenon. Dead Heart gets old because every song has the same "YEAH! THIS IS HEAVY STRUMMAGE ON THE LOW B STRING... CHECK OUT THE CRAZY PATTERNS I DO IT IN!!!" At least Enemies was more IMAGINITIVE in the songwriting.

Can't agree more. One day I was listening to Narcosynthesis and it hit me as to how boring and unnecessarily repetitive it is. The solo especially irks me (although it isn't like Jeff hasn't used the repeating solo thing other times :rolleyes: ). In all honesty I prefer Evolution 169 to Narcosynthesis. I one hundred percent agree with the EoR thing and I personally really dig Noumenon.

As for the thing with Steve, it sucks to see him leave, but as said already the "creative differences" thing is a load of crap.
and while I knock DHIADW to no end, I praise the two albums they've done after it. It's showing that Jeff is tweaking his 7-string techniques into something that even the fans of the older material can listen to. I can't wait to hear the new material.
Oh naive one. 90% of most interviews are bullshit.

I have no doubt that WD said that stuff in an interview. But lots of people re-write history in order to improve the story. It really wouldnt' be a good story to say "We went with this guy cause we like to party with him." Or "We went with this guy cause he's a good influence on us." BORING.

Here's a clue, "creative differences" mean "i hate your fucking guts." Renion tour means "I still hate your fucking guts, but i'l ignore you for the cash."

Tim, Pat, Steve, Chris, Curran....all are talented guys. Obviously Jeff wouldn't work with anyone he didn't respect as a do you really believe that all of those guitarists have come and gone because of "creative differences"? Being in a band is worse than being in a have 5 bitches that have to get along 24/7.

Ok, i'm done ranting now. Will please save me.

hahaha how true Steph, every lil part of it.
a Post the needs to be quoted over and over again. :kickass:
and while I knock DHIADW to no end, I praise the two albums they've done after it. It's showing that Jeff is tweaking his 7-string techniques into something that even the fans of the older material can listen to. I can't wait to hear the new material.
dead heart served its purpose; jeff got the relentless chugg out of his system, and the simpler, heavier, more rhythmic approach brought in a ton of new fans. then with Enemies he brought back the old style but now with this extra low string, the better to crush you hells yeh, bring back pat! i think CC already has been using 7 strings for awhile anyway (is he still in CC?)

Devy Metal always has something absurd to add. thanks haha
i haven't had the chance to listen to alot of Shatter Messiah. but what i HAVE heard isn't too bad. it's not amazing, but it doesn't make me cringe either.
the thing with them is that they sound cool on cd, but when I saw them at Chicago Powerfest, every song sounded the same to me. I should know better than to judge a band solely on what they can fit into a live set, but if someone bores me live, it just turns me off from a band
steve already left nevermore, why are you arguing why they chose him after he is gone? IMHO he was the best fit in Nevermore out of all the guitarists nevermore ever had for an album. I wish they would have done one more album with him, to see how he would have evolved in envermore (and that would have been amazing imho).

i agree, creative differences is bullshit and all that. What i think bothered steve most (my opinion only) is the born video, and that they booked shows without him, so that is why he left imho.

What was his beef with the born video, if there was one?
How bout I just pick u up and throw u on the bed and do the slow sext craw to u..stoping a few tims and kiss ur body..then stop and look deep in ur eyes....lean over and wisper in ur ear..Baby I love you so much thank you for giveing me the chance to take care of you...then look in ur eyes again then kiss you like u've never been kissed befor...
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