Nevermore --- THE 8mm Filmography

I honestly did hear that they were working on something like this when I was talking to Van, Steve and Jeff in Milwaukee. A limited release. Will it be coming out through Century?

See Vicky, I told you I was subbed to UM.. I just never post... I know... I'm an arse :)
guitarguru777 said:
and by the way if your asking if this is legit. Your not really a fan, you just come here to try and be cool ..... HA HA HA HA HA

If I wanted to look cool wouldnt I have just played along with everyone and yelled "wooo this is gonna be so cool, rock on nevermore yada yada etc"?
No actually I'm just highly cynical and can never determine when something is a joke or not, expecially not being part of the old clique here. But hey I'll take it that this is legit... providing it doesnt turn out to be a hoax (it really does still sound like one).

Peace. Out. :)