Nevermore, THE GODS!

boltthrower - 2001, best metal cd ever...

SLAYER over DEATH?? No way. At least Chuck could play his guitar properly... have any of you actually HEARD the new slayer record? It's hideous...!! A beast!!

Death gets my vote. Fuck popularity contests, Death is a better band for SURE. Rip chuck.

-MAIDEN/IE is a hard one... It has been a long time since maiden has realeased anything worthwhile... but Iron Maidens WORST record is still better than alot of IE's better stuff. :grin:

Who else was there??
I voted for Nevermore, Maiden, Pantera, and Death

like Trapped said, Death is far superior to Slayer, its just popularity. just the intro to one Death song(like Scavenger, Trapped, or Pull The Plug) can fucking wreck entire Slayer albums. Comparing Chuck to Kerry King is like comparing sex with Angeline Jolie to sex with a fucking wasp's nest, one is far superior to the other(yes, i understand this IS a very bad metaphor, but you get the picture).

Anyway, Nevermore better win
i cant believe slayer beat anybody. everyone in their catagory is 100x better than them except maybe sepultura. same with pantera, i would have put dimmu on top of that catagory. i havent heard sentenced, but i like cof a lot. but hey, i guess this isnt 'neals poll' so whatever heh.
People, it's a POP-ularity contest. Ever wonder why pop is a one syllable word? So the people who listen to it can pronounce it. In order to win one of these things you have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. If I were into that, I wouldn't be here, I'd be on a Creed bb <shudder>.

Generally, no one who should win these contests do.
Originally posted by Lillitu
People, it's a POP-ularity contest. Ever wonder why pop is a one syllable word? So the people who listen to it can pronounce it. In order to win one of these things you have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. If I were into that, I wouldn't be here, I'd be on a Creed bb <shudder>.

Generally, no one who should win these contests do.
Wow! :eek:
Actually,my fave band is probably ManOwaR followed by Nevermore.I voted for Nevermore because they were second,and well because this polls are stupid...but they are nice if you want to spend your time