Nevermore threaD?


I just want to address this as well since I've been admin-ing the site now for about 6+years.

I can tell you without a doubt, without question, if you allow trolls in, if you allow them to amuse you and never go about reporting it and instead tolerating it, you will eventually regret it. Whether a few months, year or two years, you will 100% regret it.

I've seen quite a few high profile/traffic forums go away because it got so bad and annoying to visit people just stopped coming. It's funny for a little while, even I admit, but then it gets old real fast and the place goes to shit, and all your good posters just stop posting and leave.

Food for thought.

Fair enough, and as far as trolls go you're right - I was more referring to the deletion of posts in the threads that get a bit heated, namely the "New Attack Attack" one