NEVERMORE To "Fight Fire" On Upcoming METALLICA Tribute CD - Apr. 29, 2002

Originally posted by Tee

that's not a way to talk to an eminent artist!!!:(

I'm sorry but he stated that we might know more than they do. I just agreed on the fact that I really may know more than he do about the Fight Fire-cover..... :)
"NEVERMORE have apparently changed their minds and will now be covering METALLICA's "Ride The Lightning" and not "Fight Fire With Fire" (as previously reported) for an upcoming METALLICA tribute album, to be issued through Nuclear Blast Records later in the year...."
That is another piece of information from Blabbermouth... All I can say is :lol:

"Changed their minds"??? If it is the same tribute CD I think of now, then they had never been told to cover the FFWF song.... :)
This will actually make me conisder buying a CD with that cursed "Selloutica" name on it!

Nevermore doing RTL...goddamn, there is a Santa Claus!