Nevermore Vocals

Nov 29, 2001
I listened to Dead Heart in a Dead World the other day and the playing/music etc was fantastic, good riffing well structured songs, but the vocals make the whole thing fall apart. The vocals change it from cutting edge agressive metal to cheapo no wonder they never got big with such a lame logo and bruce dickinson style vocals type guff that can't be taken seriously especially with lines like. No offense.
no wonder they never got big with such a lame logo and bruce dickinson style vocals type guff that can't be taken seriously especially with lines like. No offense.

Lines like what? :lol: & since when is Bruce Dickinson a bad vocalist? Are you some kind of nu-metal fan?

i love WD's voice. ITs awsome, the best in metal past and present, and i would be willing to wager, THE FUTURE as well.

LISTEN TO THE TITLE TRACK, what great sounds on the vox.

all this being my opinion, unlike the stuff i have posted about guerrilla.
WD, is the don't like it becuase it reminds you of vince neil, hey....not trendy anymore, ok i bag him out from time to time :), but he is in the 1% of all singers.....
well, I thik his vox of DHDW, were in top shape....and they happentoi express emotions at all the key moments, his lyrics are excellent, too bad some not in reality.

but hey take the time, and it wil grow on ya, I did with DNB.
Originally posted by rebirth
WD, is the don't like it becuase it reminds you of vince neil, hey....not trendy anymore, ok i bag him out from time to time :), but he is in the 1% of all singers.....
well, I thik his vox of DHDW, were in top shape....and they happentoi express emotions at all the key moments, his lyrics are excellent, too bad some not in reality.

but hey take the time, and it wil grow on ya, I did with DNB.
....and every once in a while he shocks us all with a compitent post.
Like flaming, it's more fun you prick.


Anyway, Dane's my favorite vocalist. Never cared for Dickinson, he was the worst part of Maiden, IMO. I don't see any resemblance between the 2, except they both sing in metal bands.

There's very few metal vocalists I really enjoy (Dane, Russ Anderson, Matt Barlow, and Erik Rosvold come to mind as being greats), so I generally consider vocals last, or else I'd have very little to listen to, haha.
Originally posted by Dark Star
So not liking a vocal style just gives everyone the right to go about bashing and whatnot? Why don't you spend your time on more constructive things?

WHy dont you spend more in the closet. I dont mean, for you not to express self homosexually. If you are, stay in the closet or come out, it makes no diference to me. BUt you need a closet trip. You need to let off steam in the form of JIZZ. WHack that thing a little bit. Youll feel more self confedent. Youll feel better about yourself. Then, if that doesnt work, FUCK OFF!
how can you possibly even be here, talking about Warrel f'n Dane like that. oh god , i just wish i new where you lived. just so i could talk to you. well and slap you 2,3 or 169 times you f'n moron. you ignorant feck. you must simply just not listen to metal. and i mean METAL! to think that you honestly believe that he can't sing is the funniest thing i've heard since bangin' your mom last night. If you only new how successful they are. aoaooohhh, you ignant bastard. Us nevermore fans, or anybody for that matter could honestly give a pooh to what you have to say. even though i just spent 3 minutes writing this........BLOW, and don't come back.