New AIC video/single in three days

I also liked "Ashes to Ashes" with Damageplan and Cantrell from the Punisher S/T.

I forgot about that song. I thought originally Pat Lachman was going to be the new AIC singer, and as long as he didn't yell/scream I would have been ok with it. He's a great singer when he wants to be.
Pretty awesome stuff. It'll never touch Layne-era AiC, but then again... what ever could?
Holy shit that sounds awesome!!! I love that guitar tone.

For those who haven't heard (click the high quality option for stereo mix):

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the price you have to pay for listening to the radio!

I enjoy classic rock stations where every third song is zz top
neal - not a chance in hell...

The song sounds great, but it's customary for me to always suggest to add more Loominade to it.
its ok, not bad, but not shit hot how i expected...look up utube live inteh studio