New album Foregone out February 2023

CC was written by a six year old, to be fair. Great album but not their finest lyrical hour.

Benson seems to be one of those producers who wants his name on song credits. I don't think that's an indication that he did any writing.

Still better than what he did before.

He's not credited as a composer on the first single. So, there's a high chanve that he did, in fact, wrote something.
We can only speculate on the depth of Howard's involvement but in a recent Interview Anders did basically go as far to say as they asked Howard to be more of a yes man this time as opposed to trying to shape the songs in his own image unlike with especially Battles (which honestly by Anders' tone in that interview it sounds like the band somewhat resents that album)
HB being credited as songwriter in a few songs is not speculation. Speculation is implying that he is only being credited because he's the producer. I'm not saying anything about how much he's been involved into that songwriting because that's impossible to know.

Maybe they resent Battles but the experience was not as bad as to not want to work with him again.

At this point, I understand that there's a lot of people mad with HB because of Battles and some people also because ITM but, in my opinion, he's not the one to be blamed for, but the band.
Their new band persona is “true metal”. Battles is not metal so they have to say that. But that doesn’t mean they really mean it.
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"The melancholic acoustics don’t leave us in the “Pure Light Of Mind” as well. A calm ballad with a catchy and beautifully tragic melody and vocal parts that remind me of Imagine Dragons or something like that. If it were not for some extreme vox here too, it would be a perfect song for the radio."

I've got a new favorite song apparently..
As always, the reviews are bound by the necessity of having (an early) access to the work. This means that no bad review is going to be priviledged when the next album comes out. Not only that. A bad review might even have as a consequence that the company itself bans the reviewer from the own company's catalogue. So, just read the descriptions of the songs and skip any subjective opinion.

Just a reminder that, when Battles was released, the media from Spain was saying that it was a return to their roots.
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Sure sounds like I'm going to hate Pure Light of Mind.

Going by the review, it seems they may have released the heaviest songs on the record as the singles.

Going to remain cautiously optimistic because I very much like the songs they've put out so far, and I would prefer this not be a repeat of ITM.
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Sure sounds like I'm going to hate Pure Light of Mind.

Spoiler from Phobiac's future review of Foregone...

"Pure Light of Mind - thought I was going to hate it but actually it's quite incredible. Probably the best song released by the band in the last two decades, maybe ever. Redefines In Flames to an entirely new generation and sets the benchmark for anything they release going forward. Truly privileged to have been allowed to listen to this piece of unfiltered modern art. I may never need to listen to another musical composition again. Fairly sure this is the peak."


"Agree. Have been hard ever since I heard it. Might actually need to go to the hospital soon as I'm starting to feel light-headed."


"I prefer Here Until Forever. Enough said."