I've been thinking about it and I actually consider Chris and Tanner good additions to the band.
Chris is an experienced guitar player with amazing background (Megadeth, Nevermore). He has worked with Jeff Loomis and Dave Mustaine, the latter claiming that he is the best guitarist he has ever worked with. He can really bring something extra and thrashy, if they give him some space. I noticed in some Instagram stories (without sound) that he was playing in the studio something that looked like a solo. He was also using a 7-string guitar, but that probably means nothing.
Tanner seems like a cool dude and he is a great and dedicated drummer, who practices a lot. Just check his covers on Instagram. In the comments section he gets praised by Mario Duplantier (Gojira), Corey Taylor (Slipknot) and Josh Middleton (Sylosis, Architects). He is a
much better drummer than Joe Rickard and his soulless playing and probably better than Daniel (who is surely respected and decent). The small clip that he uploaded from the new album shows that they gave him some freedom...the double bass sounded cool.
The new guy that I can't stand is Bryce. This anti-vaxxer/anti-masker is almost a dealbreaker for me, I don't even know if I want to support the band for keeping him. He also doesn't seem much dedicated to music.