I agree! One of my all time favorites. I enjoy the lyrics too. Anytime I’m on random and that pops on I lose my shit. If I could hear it live, I would probably die honestly
Same here man, I loved this track when I was first getting into IF and still love it to this day. It often gets brought up as one of Clayman's "boring" or "filler" tracks and I couldn't disagree more. As a song it is super tight, no wasted effort, and from my point of view every member of the band is firing on all cylinders on this track. I'd agree on the lyrics, genuinely think this might be the best single set of lyrics Anders ever penned. Every single line is well thought out, creative and interesting. I could quote any line from this song as being an example of how great Anders used to be at writing lyrics, compared to nowadays. Clayman in general was his peak, lyrically, from my perspective.
As for the song itself, starts off strong with some nice headbangable riffs. Vocals are weird in that Anders sounds more strained on this track than any other, possibly in the entire discography, but somehow it just works perfectly. The stretched, pained sound of his voice totally compliments the desperation being expressed in the lyrics. Plus the way the vocals are produced allows them to blend in with the instruments. There are some really great screams here too, though - "the collective force blaming you, this is the day we split in half", "the hopes and prayers of things to come, I lost them all in glory, urgent to aim for that short lived joy, I see gold in all that lies before me". It's a small thing, but I also love that final "anyway" at the very end of the track. In one word and with that kind of hopeless, 'whatever' inflection, Anders is able to convey that despite everything he's upset about, he knows nothing is really going to change, and he's basically just screaming into the void.
Guitarwork is mostly solid, contributing to the frantic, anxious atmosphere, and this song has one of my favourite IF solos. It isn't doing anything special, but the final part especially is just perfect. It fits into the song like a glove, and transitions smoothly into the final chorus. Drumming is varied and powerful throughout, and even the bass gets some moments to shine, at certain points adding an audible ominous tone to the music.
Basically, I think this is one of the most well put-together tracks In Flames ever created. It's criminal that it isn't considered one of their top tracks.
Definitely. I remember doing the same last summer, played As The Future Repeats Today five times in a row LOUD with the windows rolled down as I was driving around.
My Clayman favorites:
As The Future Repeats
Suburban Me
Brush the Dust Away
not sure about how they rank, but those are the ones I listen to over and over again. Honestly pretty much skip the rest.
Nowadays for me it's all about the middle of Clayman for me. Will listen to everything between OFTW and Brush the Dust Away without question. For whatever reason Bullet Ride and Pinball Map have fallen off a bit for me in recent times. They're still awesome, but just not "I must listen to this now" awesome. ALso Strong & Smart and World of Promises are included in my list, best covers IF ever did by far. How they went from that to the abysmal covers EP is beyond me. Just sad.
I have a special place for that song in my rankings.
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Bruh, I kindly request you repeat this exercise repeatedly until Suburban Me is far higher in your rankings

For done reason, the title track is now one of my favourites. It wasn't in the past though
Same for me, but I know the exact reason. I was listening to the Clayman remake and then went back to the original Clayman and it was like coming home into the warm after being out in a nasty blizzard. I had much more appreciation for the original Clayman after this. Love the chorus especially, so powerful, especially compared to the remake. Maybe this was Anders' and Bjorn's plan all along, we finally solved the riddle of why Anders kept yelling about plans on SOAPF. This was it.
100% agree, it's a shame they've practically ignored that song after the Clayman tour (and it wasn't a live staple even back then)
For what it's worth there are two or three live videos on YT where they play ATFRT. From memory quality is pretty bad on all of them, but it's early-2000s so... it is what it is. It is a shame they discarded it after the Clayman tour, but it's not one of "da hits" like Pinball Map, OFTW, etc... so unfortunately it was doomed to this fate from the start.