When you look at the things that way, they didn't give any response to things like "IF is a sinking ship" or "They should change name" or "Their album sucks ass". Maybe, just maybe they might moved on from the situation and since it looks like they're not friends anymore, they don't want to talk about them or give any logical response at all.
I'm not being obtuse, you just want everyone to worship Jesper for some reason. They don't want any rivalry and Anders made it very clear with the only time when he talked about THE. Just look at the situation with some empathy not with the names.
Also they didn't say anything rude anytime at all (about Jesper or someone else). And clearly they still don't want to talk about it (good or bad) so its a bigot thing to say "IF THEY DONT SAY ANYTHING GOOD THERE'S A RIVALRY GOING ON". No, it looks like they don't care and moved on. Anders said it very well, they can do whatever they want and we're doing whatever we want.