New album Foregone out February 2023

If only just a few tears... I don't think any media will ever annihilate me like Clannad did, so it would not be fair to compare every tearjerker to that one, but I had to go above and beyond not to ugly cry on Coco. And it gets better and better the more I think about it. I don't want to spoil anything, but this movie is easily a contender for best animated movie ever. Up has a 10/10 beginning and a very good scene near the end, but the inbetween is meh. Moana is very fun and Encanto is not that bad either, but sometimes it feels like I'm watching one big music video. The music is more scarce in Coco, but they fit, they are not overbearing, except at a few points where they are crucial to the plot. The music is also unique because of the whole Mexican setting. The art is beautiful. Some great stuff are hidden behind spoilers.

But the best thing is its mature theme.
Coco compared to Book of Life is what Here Until Forever is to Come Clarity. It was done before and it was done better.
Agreed about DM. Yeah you put it very well, it's not high art but it's fun and catchy in a way 2000s Soilwork is, it doesn't take itself too seriously and understands its margins and limitations and just goes strong and fast with what it actually does.

I admit seeing ATWW equated with Letters feels very weird to me since ATWW is hands down my favorite album of all time (see username) and Cyhra does absolutely nothing for me. And trust me it annoys me because I remember reading a few years back when the Cyhra thread was active and how everyone here was enjoying it a lot so I feel like I'm missing out but whenever I try listening to that band I just draw a blank page in my mind.

But hey I appreciate anyone who appreciates ATWW, I will never ever get bored of that album and I consider it to be very high art, as pretentious as that is when people talk about metal.

To be fair Xpyro wasn't necessarily equating LtM and ATWW, just saying they both occupy places amongst his favourite albums. I'd have power metal albums mixed in with my all time favourite MDM stuff, but it wouldn't mean there's significant similarities between them. I just happen to love both genres.

I know it might be sacrilege to say, but I think Stabbing the Drama is my favorite Soilwork album as this point- Even beating out the first two albums, which I've held sacred within their discography. I know there aren't exactly lead guitar melodies the way there used to be, but they actually have wonderful groove and aggression that just hasn't been done well since The Chainheart Machine, save for a few songs on Natural Born Chaos. I'd love The Panic Broadcast nearly as much if the vocals weren't uncharacteristically dogshit.

It's pretty much this. Don't get me wrong, instrumentally and vocally, Letters is just really good, but something about it- Particularly lyrically and as a complete package- just clicks perfectly with me. It's one of those albums where if I listen to one song, I have to listen to every song, and it's just as good for casual listening as it is when I'm seriously looking into it and its musicianship. Every member of the band works better with each other, rather than just as one piece individually, if that makes any sense, and it just makes for an incredible cohesion musically and, again, as a band. There are some songs where there are dips in quality in one area or another, but I don't mind all too much. Don't get me wrong, No Halos in Hell is complete and utter dogshit, and so is Ready to Rumble, so I'm not about to say that Cyhra is this wonderful band (anymore), but Letters occupies a special place in my heart, especially since it came out right after I had truly gotten into IF, heavier music, and Jesper's melodies. I won't say that Jesper's the best guitarist to live, but he's definitely my favorite.

I'd say ATWW is slightly lower on my subjective list, but it's currently the best melodeath album I've ever listened to, and I can't deny just how incredible it is. There isn't a single weak moment from beginning to end, and every song is just as good as the last. Its quality is certainly objectively better than Letters, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood for it.
Coco compared to Book of Life is what Here Until Forever is to Come Clarity. It was done before and it was done better.
Haven't seen that one, but Coco definitely wins in the art department. Will check this out eventually, because we are running out of unseen animated movies anyway. On that note though, Raya and the Last Dragon was so bad that we had to abandon it after 20 minutes. It's impressive how ugly, unoriginal, unfunny and straight up tiring it is.

One of my favourite live IF vids.

- the budget look of the stage just kills me. The "IF" in the back looks like it's made of paper mache or something :rofl:

- [Link]In Flames t shirts ( they were replacement for Linkin Park who couldn't make it)

- Fairly small crowd compared to usual

- That weird noise at the start whilst Anders is talking

- Anders blatantly being totally hammered, unable to remember lyrics or even scream properly

- I actually prefer the way they end the song on this version to the album version

- Jesper actually smiling and looking like he's having a good time

- Shot of Bjorn making weird faces at someone whilst showing how effortless the verses of this song are to play

- Dreadlock Anders, second best Anders after hardman variant

One of my favourite live IF vids.

- the budget look of the stage just kills me. The "IF" in the back looks like it's made of paper mache or something :rofl:

- [Link]In Flames t shirts ( they were replacement for Linkin Park who couldn't make it)

- Fairly small crowd compared to usual

- That weird noise at the start whilst Anders is talking

- Anders blatantly being totally hammered, unable to remember lyrics or even scream properly

- I actually prefer the way they end the song on this version to the album version

- Jesper actually smiling and looking like he's having a good time

- Shot of Bjorn making weird faces at someone whilst showing how effortless the verses of this song are to play

- Dreadlock Anders, second best Anders after hardman variant

Stop that, nostalgia is too strong watching this video, it’s like it comes from a distant past. :(

When I was a kid my dream was to witness In Flames performing with this line up but when I finally saw them for the first time it was already too late (2011, Hellfest)

Fortunately, I’ve still been able to see Jesper live 2 years later with Ceremonial Oath but he was on bass…:mad:
Fortunately, I’ve still been able to see Jesper live 2 years later with Ceremonial Oath but he was on bass…:mad:
Ceremonial Oath was basically Oscar and Anders Iwers' band and Jesper was just like a pickle on a hamburger in there.
Oscar Dronjak's vocals were as bad or worse than Anders on TJR. For me, it sounds like the cry of an asthmatic bird.
However, he is handsome, can play guitar, and at least has a sincere love of heavy metal.
Stop that, nostalgia is too strong watching this video, it’s like it comes from a distant past. :(

When I was a kid my dream was to witness In Flames performing with this line up but when I finally saw them for the first time it was already too late (2011, Hellfest)

Fortunately, I’ve still been able to see Jesper live 2 years later with Ceremonial Oath but he was on bass…:mad:

That is the real IF lineup for me. Anders, Bjorn, Jesper, Peter, Daniel. Guys like Glenn played a huge part in the band in the early days, but the Colony - ASOP lineup is what I consider In Flames. Everything since has really just been Anders & Bjorn side project featuring various other people.

I saw Jesper with In Flames four times overall, so I guess I'm lucky.
Very nice :cool: I've got TJR / Clayman / Come Clarity CDs signed by the lads in 2006, and all of the albums from Lunar - Come Clarity, plus a TJR, Whoracle, Reroute and Come Clarity (tour) t-shirt but that's about it as far as IF merch is concerned.
Very nice :cool: I've got TJR / Clayman / Come Clarity CDs signed by the lads in 2006, and all of the albums from Lunar - Come Clarity, plus a TJR, Whoracle, Reroute and Come Clarity (tour) t-shirt but that's about it as far as IF merch is concerned.

Lucky indeed, and all those tees must be very nice. Tried to order the Lunar Strain sweatshirt recently but when I received it I was disappointed with the quality of the product so I sent it back…
Lucky indeed, and all thoses tees must be very nice. Tried to order the Lunar Strain sweatshirt recently but when I received it I was disappointed with the quality of the product so I sent it back…

I actually think I might have somehow lost the Whoracle one, sadly, but the TJR one is nice. CC and Reroute ones are pretty old now and basically just for wearing in the house. TJR for public use :cool:
Only weird thing about the TJR shirt is that it has "Eternal grinning jester masque" on the back... which is from Coerced Coexistence on Colony :D