Pardon my ignorance, but what does this mean?starts doing Leinad shit though.
Pardon my ignorance, but what does this mean?
December Flower, live from yesterday at Dalhalla Brinner (starts at 1:50):
If they play this on tour… ***dies***
I do not like what you said there, but I will respect it, I guess.Ah great.
Alright guys, I have been harboring a deep, dark secret for quite some time now. I’ve been very ashamed about it but it’s time to come clean. Battles is my favorite In Flames album. It is better than the Jester Race, Whoracle, Colony and Clayman… put together. That’s how good it is. Here Until Forever is a modern masterpiece, The Truth makes me want to dance and Like Sand could be the best In Flames song of all time. If not, then In My Room certainly is. The production and mix job on this record is CLEAN. Not since Metallica’s “Black Album” has music sounded so good. Battles is just the best.
Also, I’m convinced Bjorn lurks on this board and did this on purpose.
Seeing that song live + the solo warms my heart. I like that Chris put his own flourishes on it, even if it sounded strange to me after only hearing the studio version for the past 20 years.
@Grayfox - What is it about Battles that makes it so good? I've always felt that it might be the greatest In Flames album of all time, but I can't put my finger on as to why.
EDIT: lmao, for some reason I thought @Pallbearer was the one who made that bet and that his post was self-referential.Sorry dude