Had a whole post written out about my thoughts regarding Foregone a year after its release, but it wasn't gelling the way I intended.
Suffice it to say: I still think it's very solid if somewhat unremarkable, and likely as close to the "classic" In Flames sound as a band well past their prime* is going to get. The biggest strength is the instrumentation, which feels fluid and vibrant in a way most post-Jesper albums have not. There are a lot of cool passages in this album that I think go unnoticed (check the tremolo guitars in the "the devil has done his deed" section near the end of End The Transmission -- cut out the vocals in Foregone Pt. 2 and you've got an In Flames instrumental that could've come out of the early 2000s).
The clean vocal melodies and overuse of vocal harmonies** are the album's biggest weaknesses, not necessarily the vocals themselves (for comparison, Come Clarity had plenty of clean-sung choruses, but they hit far better than they do here). Probably their most consistent album since SOAPF. The majority of the songs are still in my rotation and only rarely do I skip them. I don't assign numerical ratings, but this would be a 3.5/5, which I consider respectable.
In an interview with Ola Englund, Bjorn mentioned that during the pandemic, he and Anders were discussing how long they should wait before continuing the I, the Mask tour. They eventually decided, in his words, "fuck it, let's do another record." And I think that fits my conception that Foregone is really "just" another record for them. The results are better, imo, than anything since SOAPF***, but you can hear that there's a degree of going-through-the-motions on this one as compared to ITM or even Battles.
* This is not a knock against the band. Most bands have a post-peak period and there's nothing wrong with that. I consider DT to be well past their prime, too.
** IMO too many vocal harmonies can dilute what's actually being sung, especially when they're used in verses or intros. Katatonia's recent output is a good example of this.
*** My appreciation of SC is its own thing, lol