The Grayfox
Yeah, but it still sounds good. Somehow. I remember back in the day, the two songs that everyone always wanted in the set were Goliaths and Stand Ablaze.
Regarding Insomnium you mean only the one track that he featured? He barely had a chance to prove himself in that one, getting like one verse and a sing-along chorus, so it's hard to blame him.
At this point I suspect everyone pretty much missed The Nightmare of Being, which is as far from your everyday typical AtG as it could. I like two first comeback albums, but the third one is something else. Bloody hell, they have even brought saxophone on that one.
Even if you dislike AtG, just give that record a go, it's a good one.
Yeah, but it still sounds good. Somehow. I remember back in the day, the two songs that everyone always wanted in the set were Goliaths and Stand Ablaze.
Come Clarity's lyrics are pretty good too. ASOP is where lyrical quality took a nosedive and never really recovered.
Edit: Actually I take that back having just read through CC's lyrics. Some good stuff there (Reflect the Storm, Dead End, Vacuum, Vanishing Light), but some total garbage and a lot of really basic, uninteresting stuff too. TTL is kinda cringe. Scream is pathetic. The title track... "Could you add colour inside these lines"PDT and Versus Terminus, boring lyrics. Our Infinite Struggle, bleh. Bedtime Story is OK.
Anyone notice that SOAPF isn't on Spotify anymore?
I actually love Come Clarity's lyrics, though I will admit that you do have to look into some of them to really understand the meanings.
"Take This Life" is edgy as fuck, surface or not, but I really like that it's about taking care of oneself and persisting through any rough times. The title track is about his daughter and how she gave him a new purpose in life (The color line is absolutely a throwaway line if you don't know the meaning of the song), "Leeches" is fucking incredible, "Scream"... Alright, you got me there, that one's pretty fucking edgy, and the meaning doesn't go deep enough to make the song three-dimensional.
The first half of STYE's lyrics are pretty good, but the latter half (Aside from "Borders and Shading" and "Discover Me Like Emptiness") starting with the latter half of "Evil in a Closet" are rife with cheesy, awkward, downright stupid lines. Something like "In Search of I" is barely clever enough to make the tongue-and-cheek style of its chorus work, and "Superhero of the Computer Rage"... No, I just don't care for it whatsoever.
EDIT: "Bottled"'s lyrics are the best part about the song, and that's depressing.
I can completely agree about ASoP. The lyrics are easily the thing I hate the most about the album, as they just make me feel fucking awful whenever listening to it for an extended period of time. It's all emo bullshit without feeling like it should be, and coming off the heels of CC, it's fucking baffling. I mean, Anders just went on about how his daughter gave him a new purpose in life, he has a son now, and his band is really doing what they want by this point- I'd never say that it means that you can't be depressed in such a state or that things can't change over the two year period, but it just feels inauthentic at best and absolutely abhorrent at worst. "Move Through Me" is the only exception, and I actually fucking love that song's lyrics from the RPG-feeling chorus to the positive, uplifting message overall. Not every song needs to be like that, I usually listen to music with rather negative, sad, and/or depressing lyrics, but ASoP's are just overbearing, ingenuine, and really bad, and that's the worst kind of emo bullshit there is.
I actually remembered Leeches lyrics being cool, then I looked at them again and was like... they're actually pretty basic. Not bad, but not on the level of previous albums either.
ASOP lyrics are just totally fake. Anders writing what he thinks teenagers feel like for most of the songs. I think before then his lyrics were personally introspective, regardless of quality, but on ASOP it was just Anders thoughts on what the younger crowd feels and wants to hear. I'm not sure he's ever really gone back to writing genuine lyrics.
As much as I like Borders and Shading, there must be another word in English that rhymes with hero.
I can see that. Lyrics like Evil in a Closet, My Sweet Shadow, System or Only for the Weak have some strong feelings. Even Metaphor comes from the "inside".I actually remembered Leeches lyrics being cool, then I looked at them again and was like... they're actually pretty basic. Not bad, but not on the level of previous albums either.
ISFI lyrics are fine until the chorus, which is just a whole new level of dumb.
ASOP lyrics are just totally fake. Anders writing what he thinks teenagers feel like for most of the songs. I think before then his lyrics were personally introspective, regardless of quality, but on ASOP it was just Anders thoughts on what the younger crowd feels and wants to hear. I'm not sure he's ever really gone back to writing genuine lyrics.
I can see that. Lyrics like Evil in a Closet, My Sweet Shadow, System or Only for the Weak have some strong feelings. Even Metaphor comes from the "inside".
I guess that, during those years, he needed to express his deepest emotions. Now, he doesn't seem to have anything relevant to express.
What the fuck means the chorus from OFTW? As much as I like that song, and the lyrics, that doesn't seem to make sense unless I'm missing something.