This isn't even my first account. I had one before this that was primarily used on the official In Flames and Nevermore forums. Man I wish they didn't delete that IF forum completely. I would have loved to go through and see what kind of bullshit I posted back then
If you follow In Flames on Facebook (if you're that old), you can still see a fair bit of pandering there. I actually stopped following for that reason, but I check in every now and then and it still seems present. I think a debate is fun. The problem is, it's never civil on social media. Even when Metal Injection or MetalSucks or some other metal media post about In Flames, it always leads to the same thing, which is some form of elitism.
This forum goes back to about 2003 which is still a trip in of itself. Nearly 20 years of history (forever we will alwayyssss be). It is a shame the original version of the forum was wiped, though, as I would loved to have seen the mayhem around the Reroute release

FB and YT vids do indeed have a lot of IFWT style comments, but on FB especially there's a lot of old-schoolers putting their two cents in as well. I remember when House was released it was just a wave of increasingly furious comments

I feel like the chorus is pretty bad. Rushed or something. Forced. As if he's trying to be more... Emotive than he really feels. Does it make sense?
Children's choir doesn't help. What the fuck was their obsession with children's choirs on Battles anyway?