New album Foregone out February 2023

I just watched the interview and Anders was very pissed about the rivalry thing that's for sure. He said he didn't listen but if you listen at 14:51 he said "from what I heard" and then changes it to "I haven't listened but what I hear". I guess that was a freudian slip for sure :D Though I agree with him saying "it sounds like DT than IF" part.

I'm on the Anders side of this story cause when you empathy Anders in this situation, I wouldn't enjoy or care if my ex friends did something together, so I can understand him. Don't know what happened between Anders and THE (excluding Micheal) so it wouldn't be that wrong for him to talk about like he doesn't care. Actually, I wouldn't be very angry when he says "they're just one of many bands" cause Jesper said some pretty shitty things to IF after he left so, Anders doesnt have to like them at all.
So, what you're saying is that he also has issues with Micheal Peter, Daniel and Niclas.

Now, lets say that's true, for a moment. If one person is having grudges with everyone around, maybe, only maybe, is there a chance that person is at fault?

But I don't believe that at all. Most like he's an arrogant cunt.
It's clear that each drummer contributed their own drum composition, and I'd assume it's the same for the bass, since Anders and Bjorn probably can't write those. I guess Chris just does some solos, and that's that. I could always be wrong there. Either way, all of that is part of the music, Anders and Bjorn aren't writing everything.
Bjorn is absolutely capable of both. He’s a very competent and talented musician and IF bass riffs have never been complicated. As for drums, Bjorn was literally the IF drummer on several classic albums. For better or worse Bjorn really can write it all.
Not using Chris Broderick when you have him at your disposal is a serious mistake and a clear indication that they really don't want anyone touching their music. That's like having Jeff Loomis and not using him to his full potential. Why would you do that? Oh... wait...

I remember another interview with Anders where he said when first going for Benson they thought they should let go of some of the control, because it would be pointless to use someone with his expertise just as their recording man who's only doing what he's told to do. So they're seeing Benson as someone who should be utilized for the maximum potential, but not Broderick.

I don't understand why Björn has to be so protective of his stuff. He's composed with other guitarists before so why should it be a problem now? In a Come Clarity era interview he said that he composes most tracks together with Jesper and only rarely one finishes a complete song without the other. So it sounds like he even preferred to work with another guitarist. Ok, possibly Broderick's writing style wouldn't fit. But has he even been given a chance?

Also Niclas wrote (imo) the best song off of Battles (Wallflower) mostly by himself, yet he wasn't used for the writing process of ITM at all. "We didn't want too many chefs in the kitchen this time." Okay, whatever.
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I expect that Broderick might get more input next time if he's still in the band by then, but for now it makes sense that they would stick to just Bjorn and Anders for stability after a lineup change. Dark Tranquillity also didn't want to open up the writing process on Moment to Reinholdz or Amott too much because they wanted to keep their sound intact after getting two new members, but I believe Stanne indicated that they would have more writing opportunities on future records. Of course, Reinholdz muscled his way into the writing process regardless. :D

And I guess "writing" has a little nuance here because you can't tell me that Tanner didn't have some input on the drum arrangements on State of Slow Decay. He didn't "write" for the song but that playing is definitely his signature. So the way I see it is that Bjorn and Anders write all the music in broad strokes, but the other guys make adjustments and do fine-tuning afterward.
People said the same about Niclas, that he'd write more as time went on, but he never did. The best he got was Wallflower, and in a recent track-by-track interview of Battles that I posted with Anders and Bjorn they never once mention anything about Niclas writing even parts of the song, let alone the entire thing :D
Looking at the credits for Battles, he also wrote parts of Drained, The End, Like Sand, Here Until Forever, and Greatest Greed. I'm surprised he didn't write for In My Room -- the verses of that song are straight out of the Passenger album and have a distinct Engelin vibe.

But yeah, lol. I guess we'll have to wait for the documentary that comes out twenty years from now that exposes everything that's been going on behind the scenes since the band's formation. These dudes are so cagey.

I will say that I started trusting writing credits less than I used to when I read an interview with Mikael Stanne where the interviewer said "So 'Auctioned' on the Projector album, which Anders Jivarp wrote according to the credits," and Mikael said "No, that was me, I wrote that song."
I mean, I think most of us know what Niclas is capable of and what his music generally sounds like. We've all heard at least some of Gardenian, Engel or THE. I don't hear much of Niclas at all on any IF material, honestly. Similar to Jesper on No Halos in Hell, there are small parts here and there, but not enough to make it worthwhile. It'll be a shame if it goes the same way for Broderick, as I think he has a lot to offer the band creatively. Tanner too. I think Anders and Bjorn are stuck in this delusion about "the In Flames sound" and nobody can do it like they can do it, and adding others to the mix will dilute everything, but the reality is that to really evolve you need to make changes and take some risks.
I expect that Broderick might get more input next time if he's still in the band by then, but for now it makes sense that they would stick to just Bjorn and Anders for stability after a lineup change. Dark Tranquillity also didn't want to open up the writing process on Moment to Reinholdz or Amott too much because they wanted to keep their sound intact after getting two new members, but I believe Stanne indicated that they would have more writing opportunities on future records. Of course, Reinholdz muscled his way into the writing process regardless. :D

And I guess "writing" has a little nuance here because you can't tell me that Tanner didn't have some input on the drum arrangements on State of Slow Decay. He didn't "write" for the song but that playing is definitely his signature. So the way I see it is that Bjorn and Anders write all the music in broad strokes, but the other guys make adjustments and do fine-tuning afterward.

Well it makes sense in principle, but honestly I don't think there's really been any distinct or "stable" In Flames sound they would run the risk of losing for a long time anyway. I can see a natural progression up to Reroute but after that they've been releasing albums that often don't have that much in common stylistically. Secondly, on Battles Howard & Friends were let in on the songwriting right away. The result was arguably the worst In Flames album to ever see the light of the day. So I figure they could've just as well done a bit of writing with Broderick and Tanner to at least test how it goes - probably couldn't have been any worse and there's always the option of not using the material of course.

Yeah "writing" or "writing everything" has demonstrably stood for different things on different In Flames albums already. In a Reroute era interview Björn said on Colony he composed everything to completion together with Jesper and then they told the others how to play their parts. But on Clayman and RTR they only wrote the rudimentary blueprints of the songs, and arrangements were done democratically by the whole band, with everyone getting a say. On all those three albums only Jesper, Björn (and Anders on RTR) get composing credits but still the process was rather different on Colony than on Clayman/Reroute.
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As for the Anders's comments: it's beyond me why the mofo decided to lie and yes, he certainly could've been more tactful, but I also do think the interviewer could've been more... "neutral" (in lack of a better word) too. I mean, he brought up THE and right away he wanted Anders commenting on the fan/media/listener made scenario/narrative where the two bands are pitted against each other. I think "So, there's this new band called The Halo Effect, comprised of former members of In Flames. Have you listened to them and what do you think of their music" would have been a better question to move into the subject.
I don't understand why Björn has to be so protective of his stuff. He's composed with other guitarists before so why should it be a problem now? In a Come Clarity era interview he said that he composes most tracks together with Jesper and only rarely one finishes a complete song without the other. So it sounds like he even preferred to work with another guitarist. Ok, possibly Broderick's writing style wouldn't fit. But has he even been given a chance?

Money? The royalties for every song are usually split between the songwriters. This way, they only have to pay the rest of the band as hired musicians.
As for the Anders's comments: it's beyond me why the mofo decided to lie and yes, he certainly could've been more tactful, but I also do think the interviewer could've been more... "neutral" (in lack of a better word) too. I mean, he brought up THE and right away he wanted Anders commenting on the fan/media/listener made scenario/narrative where the two bands are pitted against each other. I think "So, there's this new band called The Halo Effect, comprised of former members of In Flames. Have you listened to them and what do you think of their music" would have been a better question to move into the subject.

I'm pretty sure this same guy did an interview with Mikael Stanne very recently... in fact yeah, he did:

Obviously a very different vibe. As far as Anders is concerned, maybe he could have introduced the subject in a better way, but at the same time you'd think Anders by now would be mature enough to handle something like that with a bit more tact. If he was some 20 year old then yeah, OK, but dude is 49 years old. Compare the difference in energy between that Stanne interview and the Anders interview and it's night and day.

Whenever I listen to Anders' interviews he always comes across as very... I think arrogant, as Eochaid mentioned. I think sometimes this comes across in his lyrics, which seem to have a bit of a messiah complex. Liberation, Follow Me, etc. He just seems very cold and impersonable. It might just be that he's an introvert and doesn't express himself very well. I'm not saying he's a horrible person or anything like that, but at the same time you get the feeling Bjorn isn't the reason Jesper, Peter, Niclas and Daniel decided to move on to other things.
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I remember that back in... I think it was 2002 or something similar, when STYE was released, I was reading an interview with Anders in a Spanish magazine and the interviewer was not very happy with Anders attitude. He mentioned that a few times during the article.