The Grayfox
Because he's "Hardman", Anders Friden and go fuck yourself, that's why! He has new hand tattoos, wears emo glasses, has his own name on his hat and wishes he was American, he can do whatever he wants.
Bjorn is absolutely capable of both. He’s a very competent and talented musician and IF bass riffs have never been complicated. As for drums, Bjorn was literally the IF drummer on several classic albums. For better or worse Bjorn really can write it all.It's clear that each drummer contributed their own drum composition, and I'd assume it's the same for the bass, since Anders and Bjorn probably can't write those. I guess Chris just does some solos, and that's that. I could always be wrong there. Either way, all of that is part of the music, Anders and Bjorn aren't writing everything.
damn, what the fuck? I gotta watch this now15:20 - "it's just one band out of many, and good luck".
Not using Chris Broderick when you have him at your disposal is a serious mistake and a clear indication that they really don't want anyone touching their music. That's like having Jeff Loomis and not using him to his full potential. Why would you do that? Oh... wait...
I expect that Broderick might get more input next time if he's still in the band by then, but for now it makes sense that they would stick to just Bjorn and Anders for stability after a lineup change. Dark Tranquillity also didn't want to open up the writing process on Moment to Reinholdz or Amott too much because they wanted to keep their sound intact after getting two new members, but I believe Stanne indicated that they would have more writing opportunities on future records. Of course, Reinholdz muscled his way into the writing process regardless.
And I guess "writing" has a little nuance here because you can't tell me that Tanner didn't have some input on the drum arrangements on State of Slow Decay. He didn't "write" for the song but that playing is definitely his signature. So the way I see it is that Bjorn and Anders write all the music in broad strokes, but the other guys make adjustments and do fine-tuning afterward.
I don't understand why Björn has to be so protective of his stuff. He's composed with other guitarists before so why should it be a problem now? In a Come Clarity era interview he said that he composes most tracks together with Jesper and only rarely one finishes a complete song without the other. So it sounds like he even preferred to work with another guitarist. Ok, possibly Broderick's writing style wouldn't fit. But has he even been given a chance?
As for the Anders's comments: it's beyond me why the mofo decided to lie and yes, he certainly could've been more tactful, but I also do think the interviewer could've been more... "neutral" (in lack of a better word) too. I mean, he brought up THE and right away he wanted Anders commenting on the fan/media/listener made scenario/narrative where the two bands are pitted against each other. I think "So, there's this new band called The Halo Effect, comprised of former members of In Flames. Have you listened to them and what do you think of their music" would have been a better question to move into the subject.