New album Foregone out February 2023

I don't expect them to bring it out to a full tour, but I would be very happy if they opened with stand ablaze in November. Episode 666 would be welcome too!
Yes its strange that they decided after all these years ti play Episode 666 and Stand Ablaze.

I think they are trying, along with the new singles, to show people that they have a heavier side after the recent softer albums.
Not the cleanest performance, but all the more reason to keep it on the setlist so they can get it perfect. B)

Watching that blew my mind tbh. Easily a top five In Flames song.
Holy shit, never thought I'd hear them play Stand Ablaze again.

Not been influenced by THE's emergence though fellas. Nope, not at all :rofl:
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At this point, there's no way that they keep on denying that the formation of THE has had no impact in the band. Specially on Anders.

They play in Wacken and the next day IF plays Stand Ablaze. A song that was recorded when none of the current members was a part of the band.

Talk about desperately crying for attention.

I love the song, but this is too much fun.
No songs from SC and they played The Jester's Dance?

That's what I call desperation. Though, this must be their best setlist in the past ten years.
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I guess. I mean, Stand Ablaze, Episode 666 and Scorn aside it's all stuff they've been playing somewhat regularly throughout the years. If they wanted to be really cool they could have thrown in a live debut for Lord Hypnos, or played something like Dead Eternity or Jester Script Transfigured.

But anyway, pretty funny that other than Stand Ablaze they also chose songs from TJR and Whoracle that were written solely by Jesper. Moonshield is the only song on TJR that Jesper wrote alone, and Episode 666 is one of three full songs on Whoracle written by Jesper exclusively (Gyroscope and JST bring the other two).

Probably doesn't mean anything, but you'd think Bjorn would want to play songs he had a hand in crafting too.
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Also seems like Anders mostly kept the original Stand Ablaze lyrics in tact this time. When they were playing it in 1999 he changed the lyrics pretty extensively.
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Also I don't know why they can't play sets like this on a more regular basis. A little bit from most albums. Granted, there's still plenty of stuff in there that I would remove, but at least almost every album is represented.
Basically because they didn't give a shit about the older fans until THE came into existence. You can tell Anders in particular is bothered by it.
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The list has changed and, suddenly, it has become worse.

FITW, CMN and AFM. I can only imagine somene playing these three songs one after each other because they hate their audience.
Still nothing from Siren Charms on there though, lol. Even Battles has two tracks. Thoughts and prayers to Phobiac and Slave. It's going to be OK lads.
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