New album Foregone out February 2023

I'd say more anti-Ciko than anti-Slave :D Slave hasn't really been fanboying over IF since the Siren Charms days.

Also, Phobiac, u srs on this being a top 10 ever IF song? :D I mean it's not bad but come on, if you were given the below list:

Dead Eternity
Episode 666
Zombie Inc
Pinball Map
Cloud Connected
Take This Life
Crawl Through Knives

You'd replace one of those with Foregone? I don't think I'd place it above anything pre-2004.
I'd say more anti-Ciko than anti-Slave :D Slave hasn't really been fanboying over IF since the Siren Charms days.

Also, Phobiac, u srs on this being a top 10 ever IF song? :D I mean it's not bad but come on, if you were given the below list:

Dead Eternity
Episode 666
Zombie Inc
Pinball Map
Cloud Connected
Take This Life
Crawl Through Knives

You'd replace one of those with Foregone? I don't think I'd place it above anything pre-2004.

The classics aren't safe, as far as I'm concerned. ;)

Of that list, I'd say boot either Zombie Inc or OFTW and replace it with Foregone Pt.1. Those are all great songs, but I think this one really just hits the sweet spot.
If we're talking objectively the best IF songs, though, replace that whole list with:

Here Until Forever
Underneath My Skin
Save Me
This is Our House
Not Alone
We Will Remember
In This Life
Greatest Greed
The Eye of the Beholder cover from Subterranean
If we're talking objectively the best IF songs, though, replace that whole list with:

Here Until Forever
Underneath My Skin
Save Me
This is Our House
Not Alone
We Will Remember
In This Life
Greatest Greed
The Eye of the Beholder cover from Subterranean
Ok, I could see House and In This Life being a top 10 but Greatest Greed? That’s a step too far bro.
If we're talking objectively the best IF songs, though, replace that whole list with:

Here Until Forever
Underneath My Skin
Save Me
This is Our House
Not Alone
We Will Remember
In This Life
Greatest Greed
The Eye of the Beholder cover from Subterranean

Why do you enjoy hurting me? :(
Yeah for me I'm super happy with the songs so far. We've now had 3 consistently angry heavy ones (which have got better with each release - SOSD Is the weakest so far imo), I actually want to hear a slower song with cleans in it. The shock.
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Based on the singles it kind of feels like this is going to be the least IF-sounding album so far. That's not to imply it'll be bad, just that it's going to be really different.
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Based on the singles it kind of feels like this is going to be the least IF-sounding album so far. That's not to imply it'll be bad, just that it's going to be really different.

My brother in Christ did you hear battles.

On a less joking note, I feel like it's going to be very different from their modern output, more in line with actual melodeath / metalcore influences. I do feel like the songs so far (deciever aside as to me that is classic in flames) sound more ATG and even early 2000s Dark Tranquillity than old in flames.
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This is by no means an attack on you personally and honestly if you don't like the songs that's 100% fair and valid, but your opinions on why the new singles don't appeal to you have been so vague, meaningless and at times contradictory that they HAVE to be bait and you're just trying to be the anti-slave.

The solo on Foregone is interesting to me as it's quite clearly 2 different parts recorded on different instruments (and I'd argue different players, I think the first half is Chris and second is Bjorn) and even though it is simple and repetitive, it (along with the atmosphere in the background) creates a soundscape that feels genuinely interesting by modern In Flames standards.

What parts exactly are vague, meaningless and contradictory?

I thought no it's fine that you find the solo interesting. For me, is just Bjorn being Bjorn. He had his peak two decades ago. Now he can only do this kind of repetitive stuff. Nothing new. Nothing unheard of. Nothing that takes a real effort.

Now, please, explain about the first part.
What parts exactly are vague, meaningless and contradictory?

I thought no it's fine that you find the solo interesting. For me, is just Bjorn being Bjorn. He had his peak two decades ago. Now he can only do this kind of repetitive stuff. Nothing new. Nothing unheard of. Nothing that takes a real effort.

Now, please, explain about the first part.

On one hand complaining that the song is heavy but without any melody, then specifically pointing out the most melodic section of the song to complain about XD
About the new song... Three thoughts.

After three singles, I don't feel like I'm listening to IF.

These songs are making me like more I the Mask. That album has far more in common with the band's name, and that's not too much to say.

If Bjorn doesn't want to make solos, then he shouldn't. He's making a masterclass of lazyness.

Extra thought. I don't feel like they're bad songs, but I also don't think that they're interesting. Just... Heavy. That's not enough.

I've only gotten to listen to the first two singles (The video's private for me, and I can't listen to it), but I feel that very same thing. Getting mixed impressions from everyone on the new song in a way I really don't like. I get the feeling that this song, and by extension this album, really isn't going to be for me. I don't want In Flames but modern metalcore/modern deathcore, I want In Flames for whatever that means when it comes to them now or then. If nothing else, melody was always a consistent factor, and I'm just not feeling it so far.

Can somebody send me a leak of the new song though?
I don't think this is far-removed from the In Flames sound at all. As Jesper said, they're bringing back a little of where they came from. It's not classic In Flames, but to me it's definitely classic Gothenburg. It has all the hallmarks -- aggression, guitar harmonies interwoven through the riffs (not just harmonized leads), and most importantly, good songwriting. The ingredients are all there -- they're just mixed differently.

In some ways Foregone Pt. 1 reminds me of Come Clarity, DT's Character, Dimension Zero, and even The Jester Race. If the rest of this album is of this quality, TJR will have good company in my personal ranking.
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I'm getting massive SC (Good SC) and ITM feels from it, and while I'm not sure if I like it more than or as much as SOSD (Time will have to tell there), I like this a lot more than TGD. I finally feel like I've gotten the In Flames melodies (At least of recent albums, anyways) I've been needing to be excited for the album.

I like the solo a lot more than most of the modern Bjorn solos. There's a smoothness and (In lack of better words) blues-iness to it in the early part that help to give it character, especially since the latter part is Bjorn playing his usual sort of thing but in better form, less vibrato, and less wah.

The acoustic section is probably 1 bar too brief- Two quarter note strums and one half note strum would've capped it off nicely. As it stands, it feels a tad out of place.

If the album stays of the caliber of SOSD and "Foregone", it'll rank somewhere around Reroute, TJR, and ITM for me- So anywhere from sixth to ninth place overall. I know it's blasphemous to put TJR so low and with those albums in the rankings, but I dunno. I love most of TJR, but something isn't clicking with me enough to put it any higher than I have it.
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There's a little bit of that Siren Charms DNA in there, agreed. When SC was new, I wanted the next album to be super-aggressive while retaining some aspects of SC -- kind of like what DT did with Damage Done after Projector and Haven -- and Foregone Pt. 1 is exactly what I was hoping for. It's just arriving a few albums late.

I think putting TJR at mid-tier is understandable for sure. Despite being a "classic" IF album, only Whoracle really bears much resemblance to it, and it lacks the "hell yeah" energy of their Colony/Clayman/Reroute days. I've always considered it an outlier in their discography. Still easily my favorite IF album, though.
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It's fine. It's better than the last two and at least it doesn't feel as generic to me. The middle section is nice. A top 10 for me it is not. Besides, saying a song that just came out is a top 10 is weird. I don't know why people do this. I understand being excited by something new, but Jesus, let it breathe. Digest it. I don't know why people need to put something that just came out up on a pedestal. Listen to it, enjoy it, all that good shit.

The new songs all lack something for me, and I don't know what it is. There's just something missing here. It's almost like they're trying too hard to be heavy and something is getting lost in translation. It's not that entirely, but it's part of it. It doesn't seem natural in some way, I don't know. This is closer though. I've never expected Whoracle pt. 2, so its not like I'm sitting around waiting for that. I think SOAPF is a good example of their newer style in a way that works. Something about this isn't working for me.