New Album Leaked.

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Oct 1, 2002
Louisiana, USA
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Hi. I'm sorry to inform everyone that the new album has already been leaked more than a month before it's release. I'm sure SyX did not want this to happen, but sure enough it did. But come on guys, we all need to buy this album and show our support for SyX. I'm pre-ordering it through Metal-Ages as soon as it is available through pre-order. I hope you all can do the same.
It happens with just about every release these days. For a band like Symphony X I would say that sometimes this isn't a bad thing, maybe it will reach people that have never heard them before , thus creating sales, becuase those people have now have had the chance to hear them and will go buy the cd.

This is my opinion on that. For me I have been burned so many times in blind purchases of cd's I won't buy one these days without hearing some mp3's or samples of it, and I buy more now than ever because of it.

The first time I ever heard Symphony X it was a mp3 of The Lady of Snow, now I have all the cd's and have seen them live twice, third time coming up soon. I have to say I know I am not the exeption here, just ask around on some metal boards I bet you get alot of the same thing.

Anyway I don't so pre orders either but I will have it the day its released and I am going to order the special edition cd as well, thats 2 cd's I will get of the new album :cool:

I just checked winmx (yes i admite i use winmx) and no, it has not been leaked. It would be on winmx first then Kazaa. The only song for download it has is Kings of Terror which has already been put on the sym x website.

*as far as i know, i could be wrong*
But those prgrams are not the only way things are distroed these days. It unfortunately has been leaked, from the looks of it by a mp3 release group at that.

If anyone thought that this was *not* going to happen, you're crazier than I am. :D How it happened is anyone's guess, but it did and there ya have it. Although, I would absolutely *love* to find out how these things get out...

Look at it this way: 99.9% of the people who are downloading this thing are most likely fans of the band who just want to hear the album already. They *will* be buying the CD when it's released, so I wouldn't worry about it hurting album sales.

As for people hearing the CD and possibly not liking it, I have enough faith in the music of Symphony X to feel that this CD will hold its own and the positive feedback will override any and all negativity. I've got nothing but good feelings about what the new CD will do for the band's popularity. :D

Originally posted by Stardust2112
Look at it this way: 99.9% of the people who are downloading this thing are most likely fans of the band who just want to hear the album already. They *will* be buying the CD when it's released, so I wouldn't worry about it hurting album sales.

As for people hearing the CD and possibly not liking it, I have enough faith in the music of Symphony X to feel that this CD will hold its own and the positive feedback will override any and all negativity. I've got nothing but good feelings about what the new CD will do for the band's popularity. :D

The huge anticipation factor was there.
First I thought that when I had the chance to listen, I wouldn't and I would be strong, but my resistance only lasted for 3 minutes... :D
Anyway, my poor heart skipped a million beats and it was pretty darn difficult for me to NOT listen as a SX fan - no expectations, just listening to an album.

I will, FOR SURE, buy the album when it hits the stores, believe me! I want my "originals".

I bet, like you, that the positive feedback will override any negativity. And also, "The Odyssey" will be yet another huge step forward to SX's popularity. They so deserve it!
The album has actually been available for "people in the know" for much longer than one month.
Originally posted by Stardust2112
If anyone thought that this was *not* going to happen, you're crazier than I am. :D How it happened is anyone's guess, but it did and there ya have it. Although, I would absolutely *love* to find out how these things get out...


What happens is promos are sent to certain reviewers to review for upcoming metal magazines ahead of time, this way the review can go out in the issue around the same time the CD is released. Once someone shares it, the spreading has begun.

Another thing is do we really need to post that the CD was leaked on the bands own message board? Do they really need to read this shit. Everyone knows CDs get leaked but we dont have to taunt it in the bands face. Show a little class and taste why dont you.
This is too much!!

Can anyone tell me where to get it?? I'm their most loyal buyer but now I'm spoiled! It's so unfair you get to listen to them first even though I've had it preordered for what seems like years!!!
Damn...I can never find "leaked" cds. I will definitely buy this cd, but I really want to hear it now! King of Terror absolutely rules and it sounds like solo happy Michael Romeo is back too!
Originally posted by DrumRman
Do they really need to read this shit. Everyone knows CDs get leaked but we dont have to taunt it in the bands face. Show a little class and taste why dont you.

This arguement is based solely on the assumption that the band believes that file sharing is a bad thing. I've read more than a few interviews, with various folks from different band, who feel that file sharing has increased their record sales and live concert sales dramatically. If SX was so against file sharing, why post an MP3 on their site?

I've purchased 55 CDs this year. Most of which I would have never bought, had I not downloaded the complete CD first. Over the last few years, the number of bands I listen to, and CDs that I've bought, has increased drastically due completely to internet file sharing.

I know very well that I have the opportunity to listen to the entire cd right now, but where's the fun in that? I love opening up a new cd and popping it into my cd player, not listening to them at poor quality as I wait for them to finish downloading.
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