thought so... i guess what we downloaded is not the final version...PaganBlood said:BTW freddie told me that the guys have went and re-mixed the whole cd. So even if u have dowloaded it all, it still will be differant.
Thorshammer said:Does anyone know where to pre-order the album with the DVD in the UK?
Well leaks suck.You put your whole fuckin soul in making music, then try to sell it, just to find out that some fuck leaked it to the net. And promos or not, it still gives a pretty good idea about the album. Despite the fact I'm a relatively a broke dude who didn't bother to buy most of his music, and I'm probably going to hell for that oneSacrilege said:acutally, i'm going to download it now, cause i just have to hear it...
but you can be 666% sure that i'm going to buy it the day it hits the stores.
When was the last time they did that?PaganBlood said:It would be good if johan or one of the members again wrote a track by track description of each song!
Bah!DeathBlade said: