The new album already leaked!

PaganBlood said:
BTW freddie told me that the guys have went and re-mixed the whole cd. So even if u have dowloaded it all, it still will be differant.
thought so... i guess what we downloaded is not the final version...
to hear the final result we all will have to buy the album!
the sound so far is so not amon amarth sound..

and asmallchild...
my favourites are:
an ancient sign of coming storm
beheading of a king

so i guess you're wrong :p
k i got 3 songs....

ancient sign of coming storm-pretty good.... but the ending.... when they hit the High notes (solo????? but not realy a solo whatever it was) that just sounded like.... like.... like shit!. shoulda been played an octave lower imo.but the rest of the song is fuckin ripping. hopefully it sounds better when fully produced and put together or whatever.

where death seems to dwell...... ??? i was not partial to teh acoustics in here. and it realy made me think of that one classic rock song... i forget what its called and who its by... but i think it was in that movie where the girl come out the pool and flashed that guy or somethin. everythin slowed down... red bikini. sounded like the song played on that. anyway i think they should stick away from that type of clean sound. but once it gets into the song... it wasnt to bad. perhaps same theory applys with needing to be mastered or whatever.

once sealed in blood- i dont know what to say. all i know is its fast and slow at the same time and dont know what to think. sounds good though.
actualy after listening to it a few more times the ending of ancient sign of coming storm is pretty bad ass. i guess i just felt like complaining. it sounded fine. i think maybe it just sounded a litttttle bit empty but whatever.

and once sealed in blood is more bad ass then it was after listening to it a few more.

still not to fond of where death seems to dwell though.
Hmmmm...I wasn't gonna bother downloading, since I figured I already knew what it would sound like–Amon Amarth–but after hearing the reports, I may have to try and track it down. I don't want to repeat my Hammerfall disaster, though of course there's no way it could be anywhere near as bad as anything that faggotry factory produced.
Okay guys.... I dled the whole stuff and listened to it.

Now what to say... very melodic, mid-tempo with some upper tempo stuff (but one will get some slomo-Katatonia styled stuff too), has some fine riffs in it, every song has its own "drive" but punch is missing a bit....perhaps just the clean sound is to be blamed for that ... and the fact that it is mp3 which sucks in basses.
Lets see what the end mix is sounding like.

In the end: no second OSFTGH (but be honest - that was expected) but therefore one gets some "matured" AA sounds which is good too:)
For me - better then VtW 'cuz FoN is the logical musical evolution (at least for now - still waiting for the end mix).
Sacrilege said:
acutally, i'm going to download it now, cause i just have to hear it...
but you can be 666% sure that i'm going to buy it the day it hits the stores.
Well leaks suck.You put your whole fuckin soul in making music, then try to sell it, just to find out that some fuck leaked it to the net. And promos or not, it still gives a pretty good idea about the album. Despite the fact I'm a relatively a broke dude who didn't bother to buy most of his music, and I'm probably going to hell for that one :), I think it's really shitty to leak it before the releasy. It's already kinda ok when it appears in the net after the release, especially if you wanna check out whether you wanna buy it or not... but not before the release goddamnit!!!!

By the way, where the fuck can I get their albums in Israel? I didn't see any of their cd's niehter in junk, nor in the 3rd ear and tower records. And I don't intend to order it as of now over the net currently. All local UM ppl, SOS!