ugggggggggggggg album leaked and its not even avail for dl

Apr 18, 2008
my brothers band had there cd leaked and its not even available for dl... only physical cd's ....weve tried everythign to prevent this and found it on over 100 torrent sites in the past day some with some cray dl's that top the actual sales by like 1000 perccent..... really sad thing is is the demo we never released is on there almost as many times ......with album artwork..... we never once handed out a copy of it... we had it on myspace but not all at one time...

uggg try so hard to do somethign, to see that its been available for free since day one.... were still trying to figure out how the fuck this leaked.
You realize that a physical CD can be converted into a bunch of mp3 files pretty easily, right?

Somebody gets their hands on a CD that they feel like sharing, and boom there it is.

Or should I say whoomp, there it is? No, I probably shouldn't.
You realize that a physical CD can be converted into a bunch of mp3 files pretty easily, right?

Somebody gets their hands on a CD that they feel like sharing, and boom there it is.

Or should I say whoomp, there it is? No, I probably shouldn't.

im a professional engineer, i realize this................................ frustrating though that this is our sole source of income and its on 100 places in 2 days
Our album was all over rapidshare 3 days after we've sent out the first cd's to the buyers. I was kind'a angry but meh, can't be a hypocrite :rolleyes:
im a professional engineer, i realize this................................ frustrating though that this is our sole source of income and its on 100 places in 2 days

Welcome to 2009. Seriously though, on an upside, it means your band must be fairly damn good/popular.

Nothing you can do about it really, so, try to make it a positive thing. Maybe this will open a door to a major label or something!

The more people who hear your music and like it, the better, no matter how they hear it. That's just the way of the internet, sadly.
im a professional engineer, i realize this................................ frustrating though that this is our sole source of income and its on 100 places in 2 days

Dont see it like this. This isn't right nowadays. The cd's are only for promotion and being all over the internet should work for you getting known.
The money are not in any way in cd sales. Money are in live shows and things.
Also it is known that people who download music buys more than people that dont download.
Dont see it like this. This isn't right nowadays. The cd's are only for promotion and being all over the internet should work for you getting known.
The money are not in any way in cd sales. Money are in live shows and things.
Also it is known that people who download music buys more than people that dont download.

Oh lord, here we go...
Welcome to 2009. Seriously though, on an upside, it means your band must be fairly damn good/popular.

Nothing you can do about it really, so, try to make it a positive thing. Maybe this will open a door to a major label or something!

The more people who hear your music and like it, the better, no matter how they hear it. That's just the way of the internet, sadly.

its my bros band called Nova Prospect there unsigned still and they get about a 1000 plays a day on myspace... not really anything yet still ways to go....

were trying to make it positive now and maby it will endup in the right hands is all we can hope for now .....
Dont see it like this. This isn't right nowadays. The cd's are only for promotion and being all over the internet should work for you getting known.
The money are not in any way in cd sales. Money are in live shows and things.
Also it is known that people who download music buys more than people that dont download.

no comment on this!!!!!!!! im going to bite my tounge,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :puke:
It could be good in the long run for the band, as someone said, the more that they get heard the better.

I'd sure as hell choose being downloaded 10s of 1000s of times in the first month of release over having the album actually bought a couple of 1000 times
Welcome to 2009. Seriously though, on an upside, it means your band must be fairly damn good/popular.

Nothing you can do about it really, so, try to make it a positive thing. Maybe this will open a door to a major label or something!

The more people who hear your music and like it, the better, no matter how they hear it. That's just the way of the internet, sadly.


While it sucks that hes not gona be getting money for the sale of it the fact that its allready on over 100 torrent sites is good news for an up and coming band. yes yes downloading sucks never do it but u never know who might here of them this way.
I wish that when I recorded music it ended up all over Rapidshare....but it doesn't because nobody gives a shit.

not when its your job.........................

ive found a torrent of every release ive ever recorded in the past 2 days....... i should prob feel good that its that way but not in reality .....