Power for its own Sake

People are hard-wired to seek power because our more aggressive ape ancestors had more grandchildren than the meek ones. Power's a cock-extender. It exists for the propagation of your genes.
Despite the very visible exceptions, this decade has been the most peaceful in human history. This is due directly to American military hegemony. States has troops in over a hundred countries, makes it hard to start up an international conflict.
I don't, for one crave a return to the nasty, brutish and short tribal existence which would no doubt be the result of your clever eugenics and ethnically homogeneous society.

I don't, for one crave a return to the nasty, brutish and short tribal existence which would no doubt be the result of your clever eugenics and ethnically homogeneous society.

Yet a too tolerant society could collapse, and then all die, as may well happen with global environmental catastrophe.

I do not believe life would be nasty, brutish and short in my desired society. Rather, it would be more graceful, having abandoned all of the earthbound trappings of liberalism. It would be less afraid of death, and more inclined toward greatness.

After all, you must recognize that this society has produced little of greatness. Some technologies that were promising, but where is the great architecture, great art, and great philosophy of this degenerate time?