I read with understanding, and I'm disagreeing with you, rather fucking prolifically. Telling me you don't need my money isn't going to change the fact that your opinion is that of a fuckwit who just quite simply doesn't FUCKING get it.
On a more emotional level, economics and shit aside, music is more than just a fucking mp3 download. The best music is shit that infects your very heart and soul, takes you on fucking journeys, leads you to places you've never been before. It's the soundtrack to your life, your loves, your paties, the good times, the bad times, all that soppy shit, music is like a lifeblood to anyone who appreciates it (and im sure pretty much EVERYONE on this forum understands EXACTLY where im coming from.) To even dare THINK for a second that all this beautiful is art only deserves to be distributed as 1's and 0's on minifuckingnova is disrespectful as fuck towards the artists that put so much passion and energy into writing all this beautiful music.
There's more to music than just listening to it aswell.
We've all know what that new booklet smell is like, you get a new CD in the post, you look through the booklet, look at the artwork, read the lyrics and information, feel it in your fucking fingertips as you put it on for the first time. It's an experience, and if you're so jaded that you can't appreciate it then you must be pretty motherfucking dead inside.
Now, on an economical level, think about the amount of people that'd be out of a job if music was distributed as mp3 only. Artists, factory workers, truck drivers taking bigass boxes full of CD's to stores. A whole lot of people would get affected by that. What do you do for a living Mutant? Imagine if there was a big fucking change in whatever industry you worked in and all of a sudden you were just no longer needed. You'd be pretty fucking pissed, eh? Yeah.
As well as that, the simple idea of music going mp3 only is pretty fucking preposterous. Physical media isn't dead yet. DVD's are still going strong, so are CD's, so is everything else you can buy and hold in your hand. I still buy magazines and read them, rather than just looking at PDF's online. Nothing can replace interacting physically with an object, even if it's something as simple as a magazine, you form some kind of bond with it, and that's why it isn't dead yet.
Physical media has come under attack from many different sources, and it hasn't been killed yet. So you know what? Fuck you.