ugggggggggggggg album leaked and its not even avail for dl

Hell...if USB flash memory starts getting any cheaper, It'd be funny to see it possibly replacing cd's. Packaging would look just like that of what USB drives at the stores look like already, except with band/album art.

This has already started. In fact I almost mistakenly bought one because the packaging looked exactly like a CD. Then I peeked in through a hole to see the flashdrive and then I read the fine print. Bastards trying to trick me! :mad:
That article is from 1994, and it clearly shows that making records costed a helluva lot more back in the day, comparing to the usual recording budget in Finland today, when the budget is usually somewhere between 5 000-20 000k euros for debut albums and that includes everything: tracking, mixing, mastering, producers fee and sometimes the first edition pressing too.

OK if you have any recent data about usual % of the retail cd price the modern day musician gets please share it here.

From what i heard these days it is still only about 10% to 15%.
@ Mutant,
it seems to me that you are thinking that the music industry gets all of there share for nothing, isnt it?
but remember, there are so maaaany people working in this industry, just that finally a band gets their music on cd in there own hands, and also distributed all over the world.
and these workers also need there cash every month to pay their bills

i´m really an anti-manager kind of guy, and i hate these folks!!!
but in every kind of business, the big bosses make soo much value out of there company, thats not the music industry only, its everywhere.

the people that are actually working on it, are the exploited ones,

of course, everyone can try to do everything by themeself, so fuck why than a deal on a major label?
you know why? because of the huge promotional network that can push YOU onto the top.

i also hate these damn casting shows stuff, thats exploition #1 in my point of view.

OK if you have any recent data about usual % of the retail cd price the modern day musician gets please share it here.

From what i heard these days it is still only about 10% to 15%.

That may be true, but it's completely bypassing the idea that the budgets are smaller and advances are smaller, but exponentially, SALES are smaller.

500K CD sales is a pipe dream for just about any metal band these days.

Actually, has there even been a legitimate metal band that has sold that many in the last, say, 2 years?

I was just reading about metal a bit ago, and I saw where as of about a year of sales, Divine Heresy's debut CD had sold 30K in the US, 50K worldwide...Just an example, but it puts it in perspective.
its not a mutually exclusive situation... you dont have to choose cds or mp3s. sell both. sure, this big band only sold 30K cds, but how many mp3 downloads did they sell too? cd sales have been drastically dropping, but mp3 sales have been growing rapidly too. downloading has gotten easier, yet sales continue to grow by large amounts. do both.. make your $1.50 off cds after everyone grabs their share, and make your $.30 off your mp3 single after the services/retailers take theirs.

I have a quetsion though... is there a need to sell from iTunes, rhapsody, snocap, etc other than distribution/traffic. whats the downside from selling directly with paypal from your website/myspace?