ugggggggggggggg album leaked and its not even avail for dl

My bands debut album was on all the torrent sites 5 minutes after we released it too. We were actually stoked that people wanted to download it. I think if people in metal bands are expecting to make money in this industry then you're kinda dillusional (at least not here in Australia anyway). I reckon a lot of people who have bought our cd downloaded it first anyway, which is totally understandable.

<Insert rant about australia from Ermin here>
dont blame yourself...its the bands fault for sharing. And its actually a good thing: if the band's cd is popular on torrent sites then they will have a MUCH bigger fan base and they will end up making more money. When ur in a band you get almost no money for cd sales and make it all on shows and merch.

Everyone I know downloads music and then buys if they actually like it.

EDIT: wow didn't realize this post was on a completely diff topic...
Where can I go to get the facts and figures on these people that buy more after downloading? Who is it "known" by? Because not only do I not "know" it, I think it's a crock of shit. Please, enlighten me.

There was a rolling stone article, will try to find it. It said that people who download music after sample on 10.000 people are buying 10 times more music than those who simply buy cd's.
I download music and listen to, music I would never learned in any other way if no mp3's where there and if I like it I go and buy it. If I dont I delete it. It is no different actually than listening to radio. What you wish to buy, you will buy. It wont stop you the fact that you have it in mp3.
Not all see this like that but even if 3 in 10 buy what they like, and 10.000 people listen to your cd through torrents ,than you have 3000 buyers out of nowhere.
Anyway I am not saying this is totally right, I am saying that I think the music industry has evolved, it must be accepted and work on that in a positive way. Itunes has streaming, cd baby has streaming so you know what you will buy. This is the best way up to now, better and more justice than downloading the mp3 for free. But the prices must really go down. 10euros for mp3? And for the prices to go down the bands must start doing their cd's on their own and not with discography companies that only takes 90% of the cd and puts a price of 20 euro on it.
Independent + the internet right usage will make the right combination I feel..
Dodo; Look, it's like this... mp3's are HERE. People prefer them. You want to make any money with your music, you have to consider them. Not saying you should give them away for free, but being stubborn and only doing cd's (which you already admitted that you don't; so your whole argument falls down immediately anyway) is just nonsensical, and not very bright.
I can only speak for myself, so that's all I will do.

80-90% of the albums I own, (maybe a 100?) I first listened to from downloads. I would never have heard most of my favorite bands, if I hadn't been able to get ahold of it online first. And then if I end up liking the band, I'll start to do whatever I can to support them (like buying their CDs).

And even though it might feel a bit sour to have my hard work uploaded on various torrent sites, I can't be a hypocrite and I'll just hope that people like it and would do what I would.
Dodo; Look, it's like this... mp3's are HERE. People prefer them. You want to make any money with your music, you have to consider them. Not saying you should give them away for free, but being stubborn and only doing cd's (which you already admitted that you don't; so your whole argument falls down immediately anyway) is just nonsensical, and not very bright.

i use mp3's and sell them everyday ....its standard .........they didint even get a chance to get the mp3's online on the merchanct account for some reason... and they were on the torrent sites already.... which is what the deal was with me .... there was like a 2 days gap with the services coming back from the replicators and the dig dist services.....
i use mp3's and sell them everyday ....its standard .........they didint even get a chance to get the mp3's online on the merchanct account for some reason... and they were on the torrent sites already.... which is what the deal was with me .... there was like a 2 days gap with the services coming back from the replicators and the dig dist services.....
I hate to sound unsympathetic b/c I empathize 100% but are you really surprised given that every label released record is a torrent at least a month before it's released?
Our last record leaked the day after reviewer promo shipped-- A couple of months before it was for sale in any format. It sucks but this is the norm.







(yeah it had to be shouted out...)

I think you are on the right track, sir. And sell .wav not .mp3
as much as record companies are dicks, srsly "TEH EVIL RECORD COMPANIES"? for fucks sake

im going to sleep D:

That article is from 1994, and it clearly shows that making records costed a helluva lot more back in the day, comparing to the usual recording budget in Finland today, when the budget is usually somewhere between 5 000-20 000k euros for debut albums and that includes everything: tracking, mixing, mastering, producers fee and sometimes the first edition pressing too.
That article is from 1994, and it clearly shows that making records costed a helluva lot more back in the day, comparing to the usual recording budget in Finland today, when the budget is somewhere between 5 000-20 000k euros for debut albums and that includes everything: tracking, mixing, mastering, producers fee and sometimes the first edition pressing too.


That stupid Albini article will be the trump card for every DL'er for eternity. :rolleyes:

And I don't think they get the idea that while he is saying the record companies rape the artist, he is definitely NOT saying screw the artist even more by getting the stuff illegally. I don't think torrent users seem to comprehend what that article is really getting at.
cds are dying...accept it...
now all the people has ipods , radio cd for cars dont even have cd players all the new stuff is only radio with an usb port ,
even the HIFIs comes with the slot for the Ipod...
First I thought this thread was a big joke but I now realize it's all serious :OMG:.

Seriously? WHO in this forum earn their living from selling their own bands CDs?
I don't.. If you do, wow, i'm happy for you! I truly am!

IMO, CDs are so 90's. I loved them back then and I still love 'em.

I download music.. and if I LOVE it, I buy it. When ever any of my bands release a CD I follow them on torrent sites and read all the great comments from happy downloaders and I thank them for finding joy in my music and I hope they will show up in a concert and buying our shirts, pins and whatever available! And ofcourse I'm happy when they BUY the physical CD or at iTunes and so on.

Horns up!
I read with understanding, and I'm disagreeing with you, rather fucking prolifically. Telling me you don't need my money isn't going to change the fact that your opinion is that of a fuckwit who just quite simply doesn't FUCKING get it.

On a more emotional level, economics and shit aside, music is more than just a fucking mp3 download. The best music is shit that infects your very heart and soul, takes you on fucking journeys, leads you to places you've never been before. It's the soundtrack to your life, your loves, your paties, the good times, the bad times, all that soppy shit, music is like a lifeblood to anyone who appreciates it (and im sure pretty much EVERYONE on this forum understands EXACTLY where im coming from.) To even dare THINK for a second that all this beautiful is art only deserves to be distributed as 1's and 0's on minifuckingnova is disrespectful as fuck towards the artists that put so much passion and energy into writing all this beautiful music.
There's more to music than just listening to it aswell.
We've all know what that new booklet smell is like, you get a new CD in the post, you look through the booklet, look at the artwork, read the lyrics and information, feel it in your fucking fingertips as you put it on for the first time. It's an experience, and if you're so jaded that you can't appreciate it then you must be pretty motherfucking dead inside.

Now, on an economical level, think about the amount of people that'd be out of a job if music was distributed as mp3 only. Artists, factory workers, truck drivers taking bigass boxes full of CD's to stores. A whole lot of people would get affected by that. What do you do for a living Mutant? Imagine if there was a big fucking change in whatever industry you worked in and all of a sudden you were just no longer needed. You'd be pretty fucking pissed, eh? Yeah.

As well as that, the simple idea of music going mp3 only is pretty fucking preposterous. Physical media isn't dead yet. DVD's are still going strong, so are CD's, so is everything else you can buy and hold in your hand. I still buy magazines and read them, rather than just looking at PDF's online. Nothing can replace interacting physically with an object, even if it's something as simple as a magazine, you form some kind of bond with it, and that's why it isn't dead yet.

Physical media has come under attack from many different sources, and it hasn't been killed yet. So you know what? Fuck you. :)

i give a big +1 to that!!
and i really agree with all of you, that illegal downloads can be a huge promotion plus.
and if a band got so popular in such a short time, its a very good sign imho.
good luck & best wishes