Chimaira leaked....

Have to admit I was naughty, but "Killing The Beast" is some of Andy and Jason's finest work I've heard. The bass tone towards the end of this one is nothing short of brilliant.

Based on this preview it shall most definitely be purchased.
It truly sucks that the album was leaked.... I always tell my clients: "NO copies. Don't release it to ANYONE until it's pressed. Once it's on the net, the cat's out of the bag." Of course, this is for indie stuff.

As for record deals/royalties & recoupment: Go with the Press & Distro deal instead of the full blown "fuck me" deal. At least you'll see something from sales.

Now here's something interesting about the whole download issue: In Canada, it's perfectly legal to download music off the internet. A federal judge ruled that it's no different than checking something out of a library. Of course the record companies were furious, but no 12 year olds are getting sued by them, either.
Here's where it gets weird: Although it's legal to download, it's illegal to upload or share your music. This has caused some pretty serious confusion, especially considering we're bombarded by US media & RIAA hype. I've written several editorials to Canadian newspapers for raving about 'illegal' downloading. "Do your research" is the theme & surprisingly enough, they've printed them.
We have a blank media levy in Canada which goes to paying the artists & producers. Any time you buy blank CD's, DVD's, & tapes, a small percentage goes to the record compaines so they can recoup thier losses due to piracy.

I'm not saying it's a perfect system, but it is working.....

That being said, I still buy CD's. I like booklets!

Haha, Funny you say that Oz, Moment finnvox send me back my master copy, it's getting ripped and put striaght on the net! hahaha

Internet downloading is the best thing that can happen to indie bands.

Signed bands and labels... Not so.

I'm guilty of downloading quite a lot of music but i'm also guilty of deleting a lot of the shite that had i bought first, i would have been pissed off.

And also have quite a large CD collection of bands i discovered through randomly downloading and then going "Holy fuck!" and then hitting

This debate could go on for ever... :lol:
I agree on the Press + Distro deal front. However I am owed enough to be bitter towards some distributors as well. Some of the bigger names simply don't pay those on small indies, based on experience. And if they do, it's a long time coming and after they've looked after those who ship a lot more units with them.

I agree with Gav's approach.....I've found out about so many bands via downloading, but then again I buy what I like and some I'm only mildly amused by.....
Guitar Godgt got me thinking with the Wav response. There could be a new format introduced, that would be difficult to download. I don't know, like DVDs are 4.7 gigs. Make the song files 2 gigs large or some shit. Just thinking:lol: I think that's a viable solution, even though DL is illegal, how can it be policed. FUCK haveing my pc confiscated!:mad: A couple years ago, my boys, VAMPIRE MOOSE, from ST Louis, released an album. It was copy protected!:lol: No shit, I tried to make a copy for my car, and It wouldn't copy. I eventually got it copied, I don't remember how though.
Guitar Godgt got me thinking with the Wav response. There could be a new format introduced, that would be difficult to download. I don't know, like DVDs are 4.7 gigs. Make the song files 2 gigs large or some shit. Just thinking:lol: I think that's a viable solution, even though DL is illegal, how can it be policed. FUCK haveing my pc confiscated!:mad: A couple years ago, my boys, VAMPIRE MOOSE, from ST Louis, released an album. It was copy protected!:lol: No shit, I tried to make a copy for my car, and It wouldn't copy. I eventually got it copied, I don't remember how though.

Hold shiftkey when loading a copy protected CD and it bypasses it :lol:
errr, and the reviews?

Andy ask your brother who's running a video game company (I remember you told me is in the business) what Blizzard is doing with his new World of Wacraft - The Burning Crusade.
Blizzard hasn't sent any copy to magazines till the game is out on stores.
Just people who's got the subscription to the online game can test the beta release, just them and nobody else.
Nobody is leaking a copy of the new blizzard game, and that's what I read on videogames magazines. They ain't got a copy to review.
I think Labels should do the same, ok the review will be a month later but who cares.
it's so fucking important, I don't wanna see nevermore stop making records because nobody is supporting the music we all like.
If you like it buy it, that's simple, a record once in a while can make a difference instead of just downloading.
The thing is, these are two different things. WOW is an extremely well known name with diehard fans that will buy everything they pump out. They keep up on the release of new material.

We're talking about MUSIC. Most of these bands are trying to get their name out there to begin with. Reviews may seem like a waste because you never purchased a CD based on a review...but you saw the band name AND you knew that they were releasing a new CD. That is HUGE and in my opinion, THE POINT. It's like, really inexpensive advertisement...well, minus the fact that some dude rips it and puts it on the web...

You can't compare these two situations....its like comparing Chimara to Metallica. People know who Metallica are, and will probably be able to find out if a CD had come out, but most people will hear the name Chimaira and ask "....who's that?"
I am in a signed band on Nuclear Blast Records. I can tell you that downloading really does hurt. Its gotton to the point where as much as I love it I can't keep doing it for free. Also remember your just not hurting the bands your hurting everyone that worked on the record. Its one thing to post songs you want on the internet. But it's not cool to take it upon yourself to rip it on the internet our property that we have to pay back to the label. When I go on limewire I find three complete versons of the record. Something has to be done in order for good bands to keep doing it full time. At some point it just becomes in possible to live off your $600 check at the end of the year..
Do we trust reviews though?

I mean I love "Total Recall", but the fuckhead movie reviewer gives its a one and a half out of five everytime.

That fuckhead.

I think the point people are making is it doesnt matter if you trust it. Doesnt even matter if you read it but if you see it you know the albums on the way out.
Guitar Godgt got me thinking with the Wav response. There could be a new format introduced, that would be difficult to download. I don't know, like DVDs are 4.7 gigs. Make the song files 2 gigs large or some shit. Just thinking:lol: I think that's a viable solution, even though DL is illegal, how can it be policed. FUCK haveing my pc confiscated!:mad: A couple years ago, my boys, VAMPIRE MOOSE, from ST Louis, released an album. It was copy protected!:lol: No shit, I tried to make a copy for my car, and It wouldn't copy. I eventually got it copied, I don't remember how though.

Analog copies are always doable. And if you have a good copy to start with and then copy to cd via analog signal, there would be loss but not enough that people would care on the net, and therefore it could still be leaked just as easy. I like your idea of making the song huge but even that, people would still do it, you know they would. DVD's are so hard to copy why can't CD's be also, I want to backup my collection (cause I am sick of losing DVD's to guests when they come over they leave them out scratch them etc...) so I wouldn't have to worry about the originals and just use the copies. And guess what? There are movies that are just plain imposible to copy. Sony and the company that released SAW 3 could not be copied. SUCKS. But all well I got most of the rest of my library done.