Two DT songs leaked

no links allowed?

edit: sorry, already found some megaupload links. I was too lazy a few minutes ago.
Crap.. I might have gotten a cheesy version (mixwise, 'cause that was DT for sure) for A Rite of Passage

Rest of the album has been leaked.
Some awesome moments, very Octavarium/"Goodnight Kiss" in Count of Tuscany. Some really fuckn gay moments. However a lot of it is oddly familiar. Like ripoffs of various songs (even their own). And im not talking about the last AA saga song which is obviously a tribute to the previous ones.
Speaking of which, I was annoyed when the whole fucking song is just randomly copypasted mishmash from the previous ones. At least in the other ones, it was just a single musical quote, usually played in a different style.
Speaking of which, I was annoyed when the whole fucking song is just randomly copypasted mishmash from the previous ones. At least in the other ones, it was just a single musical quote, usually played in a different style.

Yes, I agree with that...really annoying. I liked the beginning of the song very much though.

As for the rest of the album, with the exception of "Count of tuscany", is kinda forgettable...
I like Petrucci's solos this time around though!
After 3 listenings, I seriously think it's one of their weakest albums. Like said previously, some parts of the songs are REALLY similar with other songs from previous albums. Like the main guitar ''solo'' in The best of times is clearly an old riff i another song( I'm struggling to remember which right now). Also a lot of parts in count of tuscanny are similar to octavarium.