DT Nuwzzzzzzzzzzz

They went heavy just for the sake of being heavy. "This release is heavier and darker"...yeah yeah yeah...that's what everybody has been saying or doing lately...so what. You bury the keys...more crunch on the guitars...rougher vocals...yep, heard it. The problem? It took SX 4-5 years to do that...other bands do it maybe 2. Alot of hype...same delivery that everybody is doing. At one time, this was a progressive metal band. Now? Regression into a heavy metal band with the same fantasy lyrics that aren't relevant. Yngwie does it better. I & alot of others expected more.

I can see where you're coming from. You're right, that's what every band does nowadays. They write an album that's "heavier and darker." And I also agree with the fact that the guitars are much more in your face in the mix (then again, they did that with The Odyssey), and the keys were buried a bit. And yes, the hype was enormous.

I happen to quite like Paradise Lost though. I was honestly tired of the same neoclassical style they were doing up to The Odyssey. It seemed that they recycled many guitar/key solos, same structures sometimes, etc... I really like some old SX material, but I was getting bored. I thought it was nice to see them change directions and go the way they did. Did you like Russell's vocals change? I'm curious about that also.

And yes, the fantasy lyrics are getting a bit dated.. :lol:
Well, then you haven't paid attention too much.

Problem is that I live in the middle of "po-dunk" and have to travel to big cities for shows and simply didn't have the disposable income to do so. I just wish they would have come around to other venues with those shows or not have such a short little tour.

Oh well, never know what will come down the pike one day...
Did you like Russell's vocals change? I'm curious about that also.

He lost his nuance going heavier. Comparable to burying the keys. If you've got an individual that has these certain talents that help make you what you are...why not use them to the fullest extent?

PL has some moments that I like...but for the most part they didn't deliver. I applaud them for attempting diversity...but not for the sake of what they're good at.
haha - ya, this does seem to describe a lot of the american sentiment at the end of last year. Leaving the elephant (republican symbol) behind, the elephant scared and cowering on it's own pedestal (not sure what that's trying to say), opening a new door, night and day difference, etc.

That's pretty much how I interpreted it, yep.

*not a democrat, so this image just pisses me off. Me avoids any further political rant.*

...but for the most part they didn't deliver. I applaud them for attempting diversity...but not for the sake of what they're good at.

Couldn't this exact quote be used to describe DT as well? It pretty much sums up how I've felt about DT for their last few releases. I really want to like DT again, but this new cd from them will have to be phenominal for that to happen. Time will tell....
He lost his nuance going heavier. Comparable to burying the keys. If you've got an individual that has these certain talents that help make you what you are...why not use them to the fullest extent?

PL has some moments that I like...but for the most part they didn't deliver. I applaud them for attempting diversity...but not for the sake of what they're good at.

Funny, but I let my boss borrow PL from me for a day just the other day. His impression was that the first song was great, but then every other song started sounding exactly the same. I think we are missing the vocal variety that we are used to seeing from Russell, personally.
Couldn't this exact quote be used to describe DT as well?

No. DT have always been diverse... to the extreme to some but exactly what is expected from them by most. And...they haven't dropped, hidden, or obscured anything to change something else. This is what keeps them relevant & on top of the prog metal genre.

Longshot said:
Funny, but I let my boss borrow PL from me for a day just the other day. His impression was that the first song was great, but then every other song started sounding exactly the same.

That's the risk they took going "heavier". It all became monotonous

I think we are missing the vocal variety that we are used to seeing from Russell, personally.

His solo release is the best he has done to date.