They went heavy just for the sake of being heavy. "This release is heavier and darker"...yeah yeah yeah...that's what everybody has been saying or doing what. You bury the keys...more crunch on the guitars...rougher vocals...yep, heard it. The problem? It took SX 4-5 years to do that...other bands do it maybe 2. Alot of hype...same delivery that everybody is doing. At one time, this was a progressive metal band. Now? Regression into a heavy metal band with the same fantasy lyrics that aren't relevant. Yngwie does it better. I & alot of others expected more.
I can see where you're coming from. You're right, that's what every band does nowadays. They write an album that's "heavier and darker." And I also agree with the fact that the guitars are much more in your face in the mix (then again, they did that with The Odyssey), and the keys were buried a bit. And yes, the hype was enormous.
I happen to quite like Paradise Lost though. I was honestly tired of the same neoclassical style they were doing up to The Odyssey. It seemed that they recycled many guitar/key solos, same structures sometimes, etc... I really like some old SX material, but I was getting bored. I thought it was nice to see them change directions and go the way they did. Did you like Russell's vocals change? I'm curious about that also.
And yes, the fantasy lyrics are getting a bit dated..