Dream Theater- BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS Coming June 23rd

That makes me sad that you say that...good lyrics are good lyrics. Even if its talking about dragons and elves, it can be written to be good, I personally just think most DT lyrics lack hard in emotion or anything for that matter.


They have their occasional moments of good lyrics...well, tolerable. But for the most part, yikes. I have a tendency to just ignore whatever they try to say and pretend the singer is the lead instrument, and listen to melodies instead of actual words, lol.

As for this album, I haven't chimed in yet so I might as well. I like it, it's a pretty good listen. I find it enjoyable from beginning to end, but the songs aren't as memorable as some of DT's best. I think the music on this album is a little more cohesive than their prior few efforts. It definitely has some rough patches, but also has some very shining moments. Take away the God awful lyrics of the Count of Tuscany, and I find that tune to be pretty darn good. Shattered Fortress is my other favorite tune on this album. I'm happy the tribute to Mike Portnoy's father sounded good too.

Good riffs :rock:, horrendous lyrics :Puke:, and some pretty good song writing :) make this about a 7/10. Just a rough guesstimate for a rating.
You guys can actually understand Labrie enough to make out the lyrics? Gadzooks!

We really shouldn't be in a position to talk... I really don't know what Russel Allen sings in Through The Looking Glass @ 3:24.. "devil a to be crowned queen"? "doubled egg to be crowned queen"? Who knows... but really.. one Symphony X song compared to 98% of DT's discography? I think we're good.
And remember the lyrics on darklyrics.com before Paradise Lost came out? BEATING DOWN THE MA'AM!!! Does anyone have those saved? I'd love to look through them again. "bleed you.... TRY" LOL
Sorry to all the hardcore sym-x fanbois but gatta say images and words beats entire s-x catalogue. its like the staple prog metal album.
Tis true. I still listen to Images and Words more than any of Symphony X.

Rediscovery part 2.

Those are goofy lryics.

Take that SX fanboys!
Myung would make a fantastic lyricist. Learning to Live is one of the greatest songs ever imo.

I am certain that Myung has tons of lyrics sitting around just waiting to be used, but they're not (to quote Postulate) "tuff gai" enough for Portnoy and Petrucci. "Lol John, you're funny! Why would we use your lyrics about yin yang and other philosophical stuff when we have superior lyrics about car crashes, 9/11, giant Egyptian pharaoh-beasts, our fans hating us, writer's block, and vampires to work with?! I myself just put the finishing touches on some excellent lyrics about this count who scared me as a kid by suckin' on his pipe!"

Tis true. I still listen to Images and Words more than any of Symphony X.

Rediscovery part 2.

Those are goofy lryics.

Take that SX fanboys!

It's hard to defend some Symphony X lyrics due to their cheesiness. But it's not like Romeo or the others deny their cheesiness. Besides, compared to a lot of other metal bands, Symphony X's lyrics aren't that bad.
"Lol John, you're funny! Why would we use your lyrics about yin yang and other philosophical stuff when we have superior lyrics about car crashes, 9/11, giant Egyptian pharaoh-beasts, our fans hating us, writer's block, and vampires to work with?! I myself just put the finishing touches on some excellent lyrics about this count who scared me as a kid by suckin' on his pipe!"

LOL!!!!!!! :lol::rock::lol:

@ PurpleDink

Oh come on, Accolade II is so epic. I really don't consider much things as cheesy.. except for the band Manowar.
Oh come on, Accolade II is so epic. I really don't consider much things as cheesy.. except for the band Manowar.

That's what I mean. No matter how cheesy some Symphony X lyrics are (Relic and Dragon's Den come to mind), bands like Manowar and Hammerfall will always surpass them with their own verbal cheddar.

Accolade II is pretty epic, and I find the lyrics to be far less cheesy than the original Accolade. Perhaps it's just because I find the song as a whole to be better written.
I love SX's lyrics because of how escapist they are. No political bullshit or anything like that, just a good story and a heaping helping of drama. A song about Paradise Regained is a great idea, and it turned out awesome (Lookin' out on a blue sky, I can see what I've left behind...etc. can still give me happy-chills). Or what about Wicked, Revelation, Dressed to Kill? I'm not too keen on most of PL's stuff but I'll go ahead and defend their lyrics as being great for what they are. Got a little more punch to them than your typical power metal fare, methinks.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Oh man...... holy shit I pissed my pants. Good one man! You're funny! :rock:

considering you cant even understand Labries vox you must be hearing impared so this might be why u find it so funny (JK JK i hear this forum is strict) that Kanye reference made me rofl hard it did sound like that.
That video reminds me of how DT said they replaced Dominici because his vocals were 'too poppy...' then hired LaBrie. Yeah, that makes mountains of sense