DoodgeGant said:Despite sounding like a cheap channel five movie, it sounds a lot better than Hate Crew Deathroll, sounded like the name a bunch of nerds would name their Counter Strike clan.

DoodgeGant said:Despite sounding like a cheap channel five movie, it sounds a lot better than Hate Crew Deathroll, sounded like the name a bunch of nerds would name their Counter Strike clan.
TheWretchedScum said:I'm just a frenchman living in america! dumbasses.
Fenrir13 said:I mean, it's hard to judge anything anymore, or I try not to. For example, i ended up liking the band Edguy. Personally, Edguy has to be the most retarded name since Immortal released 'Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism.' Had I had judged either of these by title, I would have missed another band i like for Edguy, and an album I really enjoy from Immortal.
Again, i'm neutral on the title. I actually like it better than the title 'Follow the Reaper.'
And i wasn't slagging Dimmu as a band(Enthrone is one of my top 10 albums probably), but damn.I always say they dump a bunch of words into a hat and pull 3 out when album time comes around
SR~VE said:I basically agree with you dudette....
There can be good music "behind" a dumb or cheesy sounding band name or album title, it has happened many times in metal. (And by the way, Immortal "roxors my soxors")
And again, why the hell judge an album before you've even heard it! I do not "worship" COB (or any artists for that matter), but I do think they're a very good and talented band (altho yes, they do sometimes have cheesy lyrics).
I've really enjoyed their music so far -and as for the new album, well guess what: I'll say "It rocks" or "It sucks" or whatever... when I *HEAR* it. Duh![]()
EagleFlyFree said:what's wrong with the name Elvenkingand they rule!
DoodgeGant said:I never said ElvenKing suck, they've just got a stupid name that they borrowed from some shitty Tolkien fan story.
TheWretchedScum said:"Too many of you are retarted. Just remember the name of the band is Children Of Bodom, so can you seriously say that it matters what any name means?"
oh, the irony