Consolidated 'STENCH' Album Status Thread

For me too some great releases for the next year: Ephel Duath, Augury, Nekrogoblikon, Profugus Mortis, The Mars Volta...

Some shots from a vocal session a few days ago:








  • We have to finish writing two songs, and Nicky has to write keyboard parts for 8-9 songs, and then pre-production will be complete.
  • Today, we booked Zack Ohren at Castle Ultimate Studios for late December to track drums and guitars.
  • The album will have 12 songs.
  • The album will be called "STENCH".
  • The album art will be done either by GmT-Curwen off these forums (he's been sending us good work that we are planning to use for merch) or Ken Knox, depending on who sends us the better cover concept.
  • Factoring in recording time, pressing time, and promo time, we will probably release some songs onto the myspace around February or March, with a plausible release date in April.

Sounds Brutal. Hopefully GmT does the art. lol. It'd be nice to hear that we forumsters get a direct touch at the new Album.

Lol @ Nicky having to write 9 songs. Bummer for him. Unless he's lookin forward to it. Of Course.
Lol @ Nicky having to write 9 songs. Bummer for him. Unless he's lookin forward to it. Of Course.
lol, he'd have to do that anyways, because everyone else had to write their parts.

Sounds like it's going to be a great album. Is the cover going to be cartoonish like Goblin Island? I absolutely love that cover work.
Hmm... I don't quite like the album name, just one word. But I don't know what the rest of the songs are like, so I can't really say. But I think maybe Land of Stench would be a bit more tasteful, and it goes with Prince of the Land of Stench.

But other than that, I'm looking forward to the release date.