New year...


Child Of Symphony
Nov 12, 2002
I know it will be worth the wait, I talked to Pinnela and he reassured me of that.....but fuck man I don't wanna wait, I wanna rock! I want them to put it out so they can tour again!!!!
Dude, the waiting does suck, but this just means they want it to be as close to perfection as possible. And this being Symphony X, we KNOW they'll deliver! The experience will be all the more rockin' and glorious when they return! I cannot wait.
HateCrewDeathroll said:
I know it will be worth the wait, I talked to Pinnela and he reassured me of that.....but fuck man I don't wanna wait, I wanna rock! I want them to put it out so they can tour again!!!!

you and everyone else on this forum
I've been checking this site weekly for YEARS, hoping for new album info.....No Mas......:waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah:
not to be a thorn in anyones side but.. did there need to be yet another new thread for this? couldnt this info have just slipped into the thread specifically created for the new album? its just rehashing the same old comments found on that thread anyway..
oh c'mon SR, don't let's be silly.

does anyone know their new Albums name or what the Artwork looks like? if anyone knows...please tell me, Symphony X is my favorite band