New Album Questions

I don't think anyone, even the band knows the title and realease date for sure yet. I'm pretty sure that will all be finalized in the near future though. As for Superhero, it better be on there now that they've teased us with it at every show.:muahaha:
im almost 100% positive superhero will be on the new album b/c the other night it DC, they played it and said it will be on it
Hey Thraxman. Someone, somewhere on this board, posted a link to an MP3 of Superhero (Live).
It rules!
On a message board a long time ago, far far away...Thank God! Someone had a German article stating sometime in June. I don't know if it's the same for US. It was titled Taking the music back, but I'm pretty sure they dropped it. Someone with much more knowledge (most people and some animals) will come by and give ya better answer.