New Album Release Date?


New Metal Member
May 4, 2011
Is there a release date for the new album? A specific date? A general timeframe? Can't wait to hear it!!
haha... bummer. But please, Matt, by no means rush it. Just get it out when you can. I have very high expectations based on your previous work, and I anxiously look forward to it! God Bless!
The Ulterium Records website seems to indicate a 2011 release, but that's all the information they gave.
Well, according to a group of kooks out there, the world is ending May 21st, so unless the boys seriously step up their efforts, this will all be a moot point. ;)

Well Matt if we don´t make it after the may 21st, let us know in Heaven where the band will be making the Praising Concert to hear the new songs!!!! the Metal Wing of Heavenly Praise has to be huge!!!!
Well Matt if we don´t make it after the may 21st, let us know in Heaven where the band will be making the Praising Concert to hear the new songs!!!! the Metal Wing of Heavenly Praise has to be huge!!!!
That's a great Plan B for the apocalypse! With an exam on the 19th this particular apocalypse comes a little late. I do wonder where these dates come from :D ....

Regarding the album's release date, 2011 sounds good to me, hopefully sooner rather than later, but I'm a patient kind of guy so there's no rush - it's the quality that counts. I was looking back at old threads around the MoS recording and release, and it seemed to kick off a little in 2005 and make a late 2008 release, but it took almost a year to find a label and get the CD out, so thankfully we won't have that wait this time.
We continue to wait for the apocalypse (who's surprised?!?) - "Of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." Mark 13:32, and the latest release date for the new album is before Theocracy's European tour in October this year. Exciting times!
Since everybody is referring to it as the new Magnus Opus, I'm pretty sure that's the title they're going with ;D
Yeah, I'd noticed that too, but there's already heaps of albums called "Magnum Opus" (Latin for "great work") including one by Yngwie Malmsteen. It's not a bad name, but to be honest, I don't reckon any Theocracy fans really care what it's called - just bring it on!